How to choose paint color for a car. How to choose the right car paint color? Selecting car paint using a computer

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The Promiks center offers a selection of paint colors from the world's leading manufacturers: PPG (USA), Nexa Autocolor (England), Quicline (Europe).

Paint selection
from 100 grams

Spray control test

Narrow specialization, selection of paint for cars since 2000. The accumulated experience allows us to take on difficult cases of paint tinting. The Laboratory has 3 installations: professional selection of PPG Deltron car paint, premium Nexa Autocolor, as well as the Quickline car enamel selection system.

Our laboratory produces computer paint selection for any car.

The staff has certificates for the selection of paint and the use of materials.

The work of tinting paint according to a sample includes: determining the type of paint, preparing the paint, testing on a test plate and further tinting the paint if necessary. The cost of the service - tinting a color according to a sample - is 500 rubles, regardless of the quantity of paint ordered.

At your request, after tinting, we can pump the selected paint into a spray can.

Paint for touching up scratches - a chipped pencil or a bottle with a brush (touch paint) for removing chips and scratches on a car. Call us and we will help

We select paints - acrylic, metallic, mother-of-pearl, xiralik, three-layer (white mother-of-pearl) of any complexity.
The paint is tinted according to the presented sample, for example, a car gas tank flap or a fragment approximately the size of the flap.

Selection of paints Ral, NCA acrylic enamels, metallic, pearl, industrial direction, usually painted MDF panels, sandwiches, PVC, composites and various structures.

Selection of paint - 500 rubles with production of a spray test*

* Mother-of-pearl three-layer paint selection costs 750 rubles with a spray test.
* Individual selection by car - 1000 rubles
*price upon presentation of coupon
We can order delivery of paint to a place convenient for you (to a car service center, home, office, etc.)

We offer local painting of car elements in 3 hours using Smart PPG technology at the PROMIKS Technical Center.

This method allows us to repair minor defects, we do partial painting without affecting the entire part. Transitions during such repairs are completely indistinguishable.

To restore a vehicle after damage, it is necessary to perform a number of complex bodywork . The final stage is painting, which has the greatest impact on the aesthetics of the car after the repair has been completed. That is why you should carefully select the appropriate paint. If the selected tone does not match the original color, then the repair areas will immediately stand out against the general background.

  • Determining the paint code by nameplate
  • Computer selection
  • Color selection using manual tinting
  • Purchasing paint for local painting

Because of wide range It may be difficult to choose the right shades of enamel. However, there are several ways to help you accurately select paint.

Selecting auto enamel by VIN code

Experienced craftsmen advise car owners to study the information provided by the car manufacturer before purchasing paint. Exactly Knowing the code of the enamel used when painting the body, you can easily make a choice. This data is indicated on a special nameplate, which can be placed in one of the following inconspicuous places:

  • under the hood;
  • under the protective cover of the gas tank;
  • at the bottom of the left or right pillar;
  • inside the trunk.

Each manufacturer independently chooses the place where the nameplate is attached, so it is difficult to say exactly where it can be found. Once the owner manages to do this, he can begin purchasing suitable paint.

This method is suitable if you need to repaint the entire body, however, if you have to work with separate element, then you need to find another selection option.

Using computer programs

Determining the appropriate shade of enamel using a computer began to be used relatively recently. This method allows you to automatically select the color using a special program. The process consists of comparing the tone of the original paint and the colors of the existing palette.

This method allows you to accurately select identical shades, so the painted areas will not stand out after drying. The program will help you work with any car, regardless of its make and year of manufacture.

Some owners try to cope with the computer enamel selection procedure on their own. There are many online services for this. However, often the car coating contains paint of various tones, the number of which can be from two to eight. An error in selection may lead to the need to repaint the entire body.

In order not to doubt the success of the upcoming business, you should use qualified help. Car service technicians quickly and accurately will determine desired color , taking into account the features of the original coating.

This method allows for the most accurate pick up suitable shade . To work, you will also need a device that mixes paints in accordance with the data received.

Hand tinting “the old fashioned way”

Although manual coloring method considered obsolete, some craftsmen still use it. To do this, you need to take a part with the original color and, in good natural light, compare it with the existing palette. This is a very delicate and responsible job, so you can only trust it to experienced colorists. An amateur who does not feel all the subtleties of color will not be able to take into account the effects and characteristics of the coating.

Manual tinting It is considered an extremely complex procedure that can only be performed under certain conditions. In addition, this requires a specific stand with a palette of possible shades and some optional equipment. Not every service can provide this service efficiently, so when doing local painting it is better to pay attention to other methods of selecting the shade of enamel.

Buying enamel for local painting

When working on painting local areas, the car owner does not need to purchase a large amount of paint. This substance cannot be stored in an open container, so you should not buy it “for the future.” Many car dealerships offer clients paint in the amount required to treat the selected area. This enamel can be applied using a spray gun or airbrush.

To paint a very small surface, you can do without special equipment. To do this, you can buy an aerosol can, a marker, or a line corrector to eliminate minor scratches. To use such items, you do not need to have special skills. The main task remains to make the right choice suitable color. Follow the instructions for use and troubleshoot minor defects every car owner can.

To achieve the most accurate paint shade match, it is better to use products that are sold at official dealer car brand.

Traces of car use - scratches, chips, dents that appear on the paintwork - are eliminated by partially painting the body elements. Final result this process depends not only on the painting technology, but also on the correct selection of the shade of paint used - a visual difference between the painted area and the background color of the car is unacceptable.
Professional selection of car paint will allow you to achieve the highest quality results.

A complex process that depends on many factors, which we will talk about in this article. You will learn how specialized auto repair shops select paints for cars using computer programs and according to the manufacturer's code.

How to choose paint for a car by code

The paint code used in the factory painting of the car is indicated by the manufacturer on a special information plate attached to the inside of the door, trunk or hood. You can check the specific location of the tag in your car model on the manufacturer’s official website.

This code, according to current legislation, is also indicated in registration documents and a warranty certificate, but not everything is so simple. Selecting paint for a car by code does not give accurate results, and use this method in case of partial painting of individual parts or during restoration paint coating in places of scratches and abrasions it is irrational.

With a 99% probability, the painted surface will stand out against the background of the body, since old car paint, during the operation of the car, is prone to losing color and fading when exposed to sunlight.

It makes sense to use the selection of paint for a car according to the code only for the purpose of completely updating the paintwork of the body in a color identical to the old one. With this approach, there is no need for an exact match of the shades used, due to which you can save on computer selection.

How to select car paint using a computer program

Computer selection of paint for a car is a set of actions performed in order to obtain a complete match of the shade of the material used with the current color of the car. The selection of paint begins with entering the VIN code into the program - a 17-digit number that contains information about the factory color of the car.

The program looks up the VIN code in the car color database and provides the exact paint color ratios and proportions that need to be mixed to be identical to what the manufacturer used to paint your car. vehicle.

However, even when checking the VIN code in the program, it is not possible to match the real color of the cars and the option proposed by the computer. There are several reasons for this:

  • Differences in the quality of materials - the tonality of paints with an identical code from different manufacturers is different. Using compounds that specifically paint your car that are not listed on domestic market, entails additional financial expenses related to the need to purchase material in another country;
  • Car paints change their color under the influence of atmospheric factors during the operation of the car. Even the shade chosen to perfectly match the factory color will not match the actual color of the car.

With the help of computer paint selection, it will be possible to match the shade of the material used with the current color of the car.

The selection of paint for a car after using a computer program is just beginning - colorists come to work, who finalize the original color of the composition by adding pigments to it and mixing different shades to obtain the required palette.

How do you choose paint for a car?

Color selection is accompanied by combining a large number of components - up to 15 are used different colors, mixed in strict proportions, the weight of which is calculated on the most precise electronic scales with an error of less than 0.1 grams.

The resulting car paint is compared with the original one using test plates painted with the prepared composition, the shade of which is compared with the car body under special lighting.

To choose a paint color, a colorist spends a lot of time, and the quality of the final result depends entirely on his experience, since all operations are performed “by eye.” Additional problems are associated with the selection of car enamels of pearlescent shade and metallic color.

If it is impossible to obtain an ideal match, the “smooth transition” method is implemented, in which the main surface is painted with the resulting composition, and the junctions of the treated area are painted with a mixture of the prepared material and the composition, the recipe for which was initially indicated by the computer program.

In modern car repair shops, paint tinting is carried out mechanically using special equipment, which allows you to select a material with a shade that fully matches the actual color of the car in the shortest possible time.

The list of equipment used by professional colorists includes:

  1. Lighting stand, complete LED lamps, the warmth and intensity of radiation of which imitates natural sunlight;
  2. A spectrograph is a device for analyzing the paintwork of a car, providing information about the ratio of different pigments in the paint applied to the body.

The spectrograph analyzes the spectral color curve, after which it is loaded into computer program and the system issues a recipe for the composition, the shade of which corresponds to the color of the car that has changed during operation.

To obtain the required combination of tones, the program compares the actual spectral curve and the curves of the shades entered in its database, and offers the colorist options with the smallest deviation from the standard. The colorist’s task in this case is to choose the ideal composition, which he does by coloring test plates and their visual comparison with a hint of a car.


Computer-selected paint for cars, due to the complexity of the selection process, is not a cheap pleasure. When repairing a vehicle in a serious car service center, specialists will enter the recipe for the composition used for painting into their database, which will allow them to immediately begin painting the car when they return again, rather than waste time selecting the material, and you will save money on the services of a colorist.

Every car owner may encounter such a problem as correct selection paints for your car. Restoration or secondary painting may be necessary after an accident to eliminate scratches that were received mechanically. Thus, choosing paint for a car is a responsible process that requires a careful approach.

In addition, painting is necessary when the main coating has lost its original appearance. If you need to paint one wing or bumper, then the color should be chosen more carefully so that the shade does not stand out against the existing coating.

Rules for selecting paint - important features

There are several methods for choosing the right color. Their difference is the price and complexity of the selection procedure itself. Some drivers choose the shade by eye, but it is better to choose the color for the car based on the VIN code. There is also a special program that carries out online selection colors. Regardless of the method, before you start painting you need to familiarize yourself with some features:

  • The result of the work will depend entirely on the artist who applied the paint and what equipment he used. The quality of materials also affects the result (painting with paint in cans is obviously doomed to a mediocre result).
  • The result can only be assessed completely dry, so you shouldn’t apply all the paint at once.
  • Even if you used a spectrophotometer during the selection process, before painting it is recommended to carry out a test painting of the old part, and only after that begin the full painting of the entire car.

Select color by code

The VIN code in a car is located on the inside of the hood and is presented in the form of a regular sticker. Thanks to this method, you can choose paint if the driver decides to paint the whole car or any part of it. In this case, possible paint fading must be taken into account, so the color may change significantly.

It is recommended to select paint using a computer with a special online program installed. On the manufacturer’s website, just enter the color code and immediately see the result. There are also specialized palettes that are presented in any car store.

Some manufacturers mark the shade on aerosol cans; the color here fully corresponds to the contents. Colors and their codes for the car make the choice much easier. Just attach the gas tank cap to the catalog and find a suitable shade.

Selecting paint using a computer

Computer selection of car paint is one of the best methods. This method is inexpensive and guarantees 100% results. Computer selection does not require expensive equipment, because everything is carried out by an installed online program.

Computer color selection has the following advantages:

  • There is no need to paint the entire body when there is only minor damage.
  • The element does not need to be dismantled, meaning the factory assembly will not be affected.
  • There is no need to use additional equipment (spectrophotometer).

Despite the fact that the presented method was introduced relatively recently, it quickly gained popularity among car owners. Computer color selection for the car is a special technological process, in which the desired color is selected according to the car code.

To set the code, a special program is used that compares contrast, color saturation, and the degree of burnout. It is worth noting that the vehicle’s VIN code is individual and is assigned upon release. After using this method, it will be impossible to determine the difference between the painted part and the old coating. The color selection by the master is carried out in several stages:

  1. A little coloring composition is mixed and used as a test.
  2. After drying, the resulting shade is leveled and compared with the main one. This must be carried out in a well-lit room.
  3. If the master sees differences in shades, then changes are made to the composition and it is made anew.
  4. How much will such a procedure cost? This factor depends on the color saturation, that is, the brighter it is in the can, the more color is needed, so the price will be higher.

Selecting paint using a spectrophotometer

In order to effectively select the right color for a car from a can, it is necessary to analyze what is available. There is a specialized device - a spectrophotometer and a stand for marking paint characteristics. This method is quite expensive, but the result of its work is most effective. Such equipment is indispensable for a colorist. The spectrophotometer allows you to quickly search for colors and tint them.

A spectrophotometer is the most effective and useful tool for color matching. This equipment has the main features:

  • Significantly speeds up the color selection process.
  • Helps to figure out a color that is unknown, for example, if the car has already been repainted.

Whatever method you choose, be it a spectrophotometer, the use of spray paint, computer equipment, or others, you must remember that shades come in a variety of colors and you need to choose the color carefully. Trust the selection of paints and their mixing only to professional craftsmen!

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Today we’ll talk about how to independently choose paint that exactly matches the color of your car’s body enamel. We will also consider methods for selecting the color of car enamel when partially painting car parts and painting over scratches and chips

It is much easier to maintain a car in good condition than to restore it later. Removing scratches on a car is a fairly serious matter, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

When choosing paint, you need to take into account its consistency with the color of the car. When choosing paint for a car, it is important to take into account the lighting and the paint layer.

When choosing a paint, remember that in the middle of your favorite car there is some code that indicates the factory color of the body. However, it should be remembered that the paint fades over time, so when partial renovation car paint should be selected especially carefully to achieve the desired shade. For the right choice It is better to use the help of a computer painter for paint colors.

When choosing paint for a car, it is also important to take into account that after applying the paint to the car, it will dry unevenly. The paint dries in two stages, first the upper layers, the lower ones dry much later, so if the paint is not completely dry, it may become deformed when driving a car.

And know that the coat of paint your car comes with from the factory is more reliable. Therefore, if your car can do without it, then better painting not carry it out, but leave the car as it is.

The selection of paint for a car is usually carried out in a specialized laboratory. In this case, a special technique is used that allows one to fairly accurately determine the shade. real car mobile There are 2 main ways to determine the colors and shades of a car's paintwork: querying the database by VIN number and direct color proofing of a real car. Request by Vehicle VIN not always suitable, since the color fades and changes tone over time.

Therefore, it is more advisable to use the second method, which in capable hands rarely misfires. To select auto paint in this case, for relatively precise definition colors required:
- a fragment of a car body - usually this is a gas tank hatch cover, which is easily dismantled and small enough for transportation
- computer sample classifier
- technical documentation of paints and varnishes, establishing the technology of their mixing and mutual compatibility of components

Having a paint number also does not solve all problems, since the car’s color may change over time due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Here are several different effective methods for determining the color of your four-wheeled friend:

· Search for stickers on the body;

· Contact the seller’s showroom for detailed information;

· Contacting an experienced colorist at a car service center;

· Search for information on the Internet by car release date;

· “Poke method”;

· Specialized programs that are also easy to find on the Internet;

· Sending the gas tank flap to a specialist by mail;

· Search by VIN number.

Let's consider last option and don't forget about shifting to fourth gear! If you do not plan to completely repaint the car, then partial restoration implies an exact match of shades.
Local restoration is much more economical, but requires a professional approach at all stages: from paint selection to final polishing of the body (in 98% of cases). Choosing car enamel color without taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations

This method of selecting paint is considered outdated, but many “old school” craftsmen continue to use it to this day. It consists in the fact that when daylight The colors of the original part (most often the gas tank flap) and the shades in the paint palette printed on paper are compared. This selection allows you to find the desired shade of paint, but there is a very high probability wrong choice individual characteristics of paint and the effects it produces. Therefore, it is better to entrust such a choice to colorists with good developed sense colors.

Tinting is a complex process, which consists in the fact that the selection of shades is carried out on a specialized stand in a room that satisfies certain conditions. Not all auto repair shops can boast that all necessary equipment they have it for tinting, so if the car owner doesn’t want to take risks appearance of your car, especially when painting it locally, you should not use this selection method
Careful selection of enamel helps to avoid sharp color transitions. Experts do not recommend eliminating the defect itself, but for a better visual result they recommend painting the entire area of ​​damage: the fender, the trunk door. To get into the right tone, you actually need to find this mysterious number, which loves to play hide and seek with the car enthusiast. How to paint over chips on a car without full painting body?

Operating a car inevitably causes minor damage to the paintwork. Earned from trips to high speed and flying insects or pebbles, chips turn out to be the cause of more serious damage if they are not eliminated in time. Corrosion processes begin under the paint and are invisible to the naked eye. This is precisely why numerous chips that are not painted over are scary. They are centers of rapid destruction of the body.

In order not to lose the integrity of the body and not reduce the cost of the car to the limit by secondary market, and also to maintain the good appearance of the car, it is necessary to eliminate all chips that have arisen before they lead to irreversible consequences. It is much easier to paint over minor damage to the paintwork than to fix problems with rotten areas in the body.

There are three different options combating chips, which depend on the degree of damage to the body.
Option 1: a large number of chips on one body parts

The most susceptible place in a car to this type of damage is the hood. It is here that the greatest influence of stones flying from under the wheels of oncoming cars is concentrated, and any chip will be very clearly visible. Therefore, problems that arise must be resolved quickly and efficiently. Moreover, on a flat hood, poor painting of a chip will be very visible, so you need to take into account high quality work to resolve such problems.

If there is a large amount of damage, it makes no sense to carry out spot body repairs. Indeed, in this case, your hood will be covered with spots or dots with a slightly different color. It is better to paint the entire body part completely. The painting process is quite complicated, but you can do it yourself:
if the body part is easily dismantled, separate it from the car to avoid painting other elements;
otherwise, cover all adjacent elements with masking tape and newspapers or film;
thoroughly rinse and dry the surface of the workpiece;
sand the paint and primer using fine sandpaper with a constant supply of water (you can use a spray bottle);
dry and degrease the metal surface with a solvent;
apply a layer of primer (we’ll talk more about painting technology below);
wash the soil using the finest sandpaper and water;
degrease the surface again and apply a layer of paint;
If necessary and desired, use a special varnish after painting.

About a month after completing this procedure, you can soft polish the painted part, as well as polish the rest of the body to bring the car to a uniform color. It is better to select paint from a company that has computer equipment and provides accurate results.

The technology for applying primer and paint is simple. You can use paint in cans or apply it with a sprayer. Do not concentrate the spray on one point, making lateral movements, and also make sure that the can or gun is at the same distance from the car body (approximately 20-25 centimeters). This will save you from having to deal with paint drips.
Option 2: a small number of chips without metal corrosion

If you don't have to fight a huge amount chipped, the painting procedure will be much simpler and faster. The most important thing here is to choose high-quality paint that will fully match the body color of your car. Such repairs are simpler and faster, so it is better to deal with chips before they reach the metal and begin the corrosion process.

If the chip is very small, take a match or toothpick and apply a drop of paint to the washed and dry area of ​​the chip. When the paint has hardened a little, you can smooth it out with a small brush. Do not use varnish for such repairs, otherwise the place of the former chip will be very noticeable. If the damage is relatively large, you need to do the following procedure:
wash and dry the body repair area;
Never use solvents for degreasing - they get under the paint and cause further corrosion;
take the softest artistic brush possible;
apply the paint with neat strokes exactly at the chip site;
carry out this painting until you get satisfactory spreading of the enamel over the chip;
Allow the paint to dry and correct any visual imperfections using a minimal amount of enamel.

After a few days, you can polish the entire body part or the entire car using an abrasive polish, and focus on the area of ​​the chip. If all tasks are completed efficiently, you will not be able to distinguish the point where the repair was carried out.

If the paint is chosen poorly, problems may arise. serious problems. The chip will become a dark or light spot on the body, which will require repainting the entire body part. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality paint in the ideal color for your car.

Detailed video on how to choose paint for a car:

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Option 3: the chip reached the metal and caused corrosion

In this case, repairing the chip will be more difficult and time-consuming, because it is necessary to remove the rust spreading processes that have begun. To do this you need to use the traditional body repair, which will remove corrosion and allow you to locally paint over the part without visible differences from the rest of the body.

To work with this chip, you will need sandpaper with a grit of 600, 800 and 1000, possibly putty, primer and paint, as well as tools for their application, and a degreasing solvent. The work process in this case looks like this:
The local area of ​​the chip is cleaned, taking into account the possible spread of corrosion under the paint;
the rust must be cleaned down to the metal, then the surface must be washed and degreased;
if necessary, apply putty, let it dry and use 600 and 800 sandpaper to bring the surface into compliance;
degrease the surface again and apply a primer, which then needs to be washed with 1000 grit sandpaper and water;
After this, the body part or the chipped area is degreased and painted.

While painting, be careful not to get the spray on other areas of your car. To do this, they often use masking tape and newspapers. Once the paint has completely dried, you can polish it and enjoy the beautiful visual properties of your car.

Many people also apply car paint, believing that this step will improve the visual properties of the car. In fact, under varnish, any difference in paint becomes more noticeable, so it is better not to use varnish for local repairs.

Domestic cars are known for their simplicity of structure and uncomplicated configuration. You can find the coveted code on VAZs, GAZs and other similar draft horses in warranty card(if available) or on the inside of the trunk lid; when there is nothing in the trunk, then it’s worth looking under the hood. On models that have already become “retro,” the tag is sometimes located under the seat, and in some cases, under the spare tire.
Each color has an identification number and an official factory name. The answer to the burning question, how to find out the paint number on domestic cars, received – that means it’s time to engage second gear! To select automotive enamels, there are special services, in which computer paint selection is carried out. For a fee, specialists will be able to select any enamel. As a rule, this matter takes from 2-3 hours to several days - it all depends on the availability of the queue.

The selection is carried out as follows. Pickers look for the paint code on the car. If they find it on the body, then the selection process becomes much easier for them, because after entering this code into the computer, the exact proportion of the different base colors is displayed on the monitor.

The result is a finished shade, which remains to be slightly adjusted for fading. If it is not possible to obtain a color code, then the paint is selected according to the sample using the method of numerous mixing and test painting.

Foreign cars were more successful in terms of underground places for placing information signs, and color code theirs are much more intricate. The enamel number can have not only a digital, but also a letter designation.

So, let's look into the salon and try to narrow the search area, having current information on the most likely placement of paint code labels:

· Left pillar of the car (passenger side) or right pillar (driver side);

· Engine compartment;

Side wheel arch front passenger;

· Inner side of the trunk lid;

· Niche where it is located spare wheel;

· A partition under the hood that serves as a fuse in the event of a fire in the engine area;

· Front radiator trim.

The paint code on the nameplate usually follows the English inscription COLOR, which catches the eye. Or, if there is no such mark, you need to pay attention to numbers consisting of three or more characters.

Paint selection

Enamels used in car painting contain several basic components: solvent, pigment, additives and a binder. Currently, the composition of paints is becoming more and more complex, and accordingly the buyer’s choice is expanding. However, other aspects are also of interest to the consumer: an incorrectly selected shade can result not only in loss of time, but also in the need for new financial investments, not to mention nerve cells that are not restored.

What is a VIN number

Finding this number is quite easy, because in accordance with the rules of the ISO 3779 standard, the metal VIN plate must be fixed in such a way that it cannot be removed without damaging the car body. Most popular places to stay identification numbers manufacturers have:

· Inspection hole windshield;

· Left passenger pillar;

· Bottom of the door;

· Engine compartment (near the engine).

The VIN number is a code of seventeen numbers and letters that stores detailed and most important information about your car. It is this small plate that contains information about the factory paint code, and possession of such data increases the success of color matching several times. The code is read by a special computer program.

And finally, a few important tips so that your car does not turn out to be a tacky color:

1. Consider lighting during visual checking when adjusting the tone to the desired result;

2. Check with the colorist for the number of layers and the nature of paint spraying;

3. Look for an advanced colorist with a spectrophotometer and a perfect eye.

Is it possible to choose the paint yourself?

Of course, you can try to choose the car enamel yourself. For this you will need:

1. Components for selecting paintwork;

2. Containers for mixing paints;

3. Electronic scales;

4. Material for test painting (you can take a piece of tin);

5. Spray gun.

The most difficult thing is to find all the necessary components, which are not cheap and are sold in cans. But, if we are talking about simple and basic paint, then the task becomes much easier. For example, acrylic enamel, which is sold on the market in cans, is easy to pick up if it is just a little faded on the body.

In this case, it will be enough to add a dark or light shade or a certain color. The same goes for the simplest metallic, if it is just a little faded, but is sold in cans, then you can easily pick it up in a similar way. Even a non-professional can do this.

When it comes to metallic or mother-of-pearl with a tint, only computer selection will help here, since the paint formula becomes quite complex. Unfortunately, there are also colors that even computer selection cannot accurately match. In rare cases, selecting paint for a car is simply impossible due to a lack of necessary components.

Selecting any paint coating is a rather painstaking task. To cope with it successfully, you will need a lot of patience, as well as a good sense of color.

Distressed paints

The most difficult thing to choose is those paints that include various reflective additives. First of all, these are metallic, xerallic and mother-of-pearl. These additives themselves change the color of the paint, so by adding or decreasing their amount, you also have to adjust the base color.

Not every computer selection service handles complex paints equally well. Here a lot depends not so much on the equipment, but on the experience of the specialist performing the selection. Therefore, it would be a good idea to ask clients how well a particular company selects colors.

On a note

It is especially important to accurately select complex paint for partial or spot body repairs. If the entire car is being painted, then minor differences are quite acceptable. No one will notice them anyway, since the original paint will remain only in hidden places.

Some colors, such as red, require a lighter base to make the paintwork brighter. If you apply several layers of the same red paint, the resulting shade will be slightly darker than expected. Therefore, some, usually very experienced painters, paint more light color, and only the last layer - matched exactly to the tone.

Sometimes it is impossible to replicate the original dosage of different paint effects. In this case, there is only one way out - complete repainting. There is nothing to be done - beauty requires sacrifice.

How much paint should I order?

Don't worry about how much paint you need to buy for the fender, roof, door or the entire body. Even if you do the painting yourself, the computer selection center will tell you the required quantity. Paint and varnish should always be taken with a margin of 10-15%.

On average, to paint the entire car body you will need to purchase 2 liters of paint and another 2 liters of varnish (if necessary). If the parts are also coated from the inside, the amount of material doubles. However, the exact volume of paint materials depends on the size of the car. Of course, for painting large SUV and small cars will require different amounts of paintwork.

The doors and wings separately require approximately the same volume - an average of 150 ml. But the bumper can take 300 ml, although it seems that the wing area is no less than that of the bumper. The most paint will be needed for the hood or roof - from 600 ml. Exact calculations can be made at the rate of 250-300 ml per 1 m².

The solvent that gives the paint the required consistency is not taken into account in these calculations. You should not rely on the fact that the solvent will be able to bring the volume of paint to the required level. The more solvent, the less coverage.

On a note

Paint consumption depends not only on its consistency, but also on the color of the substrate. If the car is painted in its “native” color, then less materials will be needed. However, if the task is fundamental change colors, then you may need 50% more paint.

Spray paint takes the same amount as usual. Most often there are cans in which the liquid is only 150 mm - the rest compressed air. One such spray can is enough to paint 0.3-0.5 m² of area. If you need to paint the bumper, you should buy at least four cans.
Detailed video on how to choose paint for a car:

YouTube Video

It should be remembered that with all the huge selection of paint colors in spray cans, it is unlikely that you will be able to match the color exactly to the original. Therefore, such painting can only be considered as a temporary measure. This need may arise if deep scratches or chips appear on the body. The paint will prevent the metal from rusting for some time.


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