UAZ patriot diesel increase fuel tanks. Fuel tanks UAZ Patriot. How to drain gasoline from tanks

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In general, it is worth noting that recently critics have become more active on the Internet domestic models. They make demands, sometimes of rather curious content, for example, about the recall of all Lada Vesta cars from the market due to ... “disorder in their operation.”

Regarding the updated UAZ Patriot, the attacks turned out to be more substantive. Thus, a petition has been posted on the portal demanding that the location of the gas tank of the updated Patriot 2017 be changed.

A certain Vasily Bocharov writes that the introduction of a single tank deprived the car of its purpose, namely: it ceased to be an all-terrain vehicle and became completely urban. “Now, even if you drive onto an ordinary forest road, there is a risk of demolishing the gas tank when driving over the next small hillock.”.And everything like that.

One thing is surprising: the car has just appeared, buyers haven’t really been able to test it yet, and there are already 488 signatures... And it’s strange to demand something from a company that is not state-owned and is free to make the decisions that seem appropriate to it. In the end, there is no reason to make a car worse for business, because the buyer always votes with rubles.

Of course, UAZes is familiar with this petition. And they gave an official comment to our request:

"After the presentation updated SUV UAZ Patriot we really received a large number of reviews on the topic of a single fuel tank. Car enthusiasts have many questions regarding the placement and solution of the design itself. In turn, replacing two fuel tanks with a single one did not affect cross-country ability (maximum ground clearance is 323 mm, was 363 mm). The single fuel tank is made of high-strength materials (wall thickness reaches 6 mm), which allows the vehicle to be operated in the most severe off-road conditions, as confirmed by a series of tests. Since the beginning of October, UAZ Patriot cars have been produced with metal protection.

In addition, for lovers of real off-road driving, the “Off-Road Fuel Tank Protection” accessory, made of three-millimeter steel, is officially available at dealers.

The previous design also assumed the location of the gas tanks BELOW the frame, while they were located outside relative to the side members. The new arrangement places the fuel tank between the side members, making the car safer in the event of a side collision.
In the process of adapting the restraint systems, the vehicle successfully passed not only compliance tests legal requirements UNECE Regulations No. 34 and No. 12, providing for the non-destruction of the fuel tank during frontal collision, but also tests corresponding to an oblique collision with a deformable barrier at 40% overlap according to the EuroNCAP method. According to UNECE Regulation No. 34, the tank was tested with a positive result in the TUV laboratory in the Czech Republic for through penetration with a pendulum steel impact device in the shape of a pyramid (vertex radius 3.0 mm) weighing 15 kg (while the tank was cooled to -40 degrees C ). In addition, additional strength tests were carried out, in which the tank, pre-cooled to a temperature of -40℃, withstood a fall from a height of 10 m, as well as impacts from a cylindrical pendulum weighing 51 kg, accelerated to a speed of 4.2 m/s.”

From reader comments:

Mityai Mityaevich: “I’m pretty tired of the empty talk about the tank. Have you already tested it? new Patriot? No? Well then, this is all nothing more than balaclava.”

Ruslanchik: “Tank... tank... It seems that UAZ’s competitors seriously told the bots to write so much for this tank that they’ve probably already rubbed calluses on their fingers. As they rightly noted, the Patriot is not the only car with this tank arrangement. Who drove Patriots good off-road Previously, he crushed two iron tanks and made protection, and therefore this is not a problem for them. Anyone who is not going to do tough work will only remember about the “low tank” when he sees another similar comment, and not during operation.”

Andrey Itrukhin: “The people who wrote the petition don’t know that the second tank is just a “daw.” They were not standing somewhere on a winter road with a full dead tank of 37 liters due to a broken jet pump. But you can’t go far with one small tank, since there is only one main tank and the pump is in only one tank.”

  • Our author was one of the first, even before the official presentation of the model. His verdict: “Finally, UAZ installed a single fuel tank, which eliminated the need for a transfer pump. Moreover, previously the tanks were metal and over time began to rust, clogging fuel filter. And now the tank is plastic! The problem of blockages has been completely resolved.” However, this is not the last trip, and our author will have time to take a closer look at this particular part of the car.
  • Let us also recall that the presentation of the updated UAZ Patriot all-terrain vehicle took place just last week, on October 12.

For long-distance road trips, a supply of fuel from a proven gas station is of great importance in order to refuel at as few gas stations as possible along the way. Did you know that your car's gas tank capacity can be more than doubled? “Ether-service” will help you replace your fuel tank with another one of twice the volume.

We also carry out other types of fuel tank repairs. Reliability and guarantee are determined by our materials - stainless steel. A patch in a broken tank made of untreated ferrous metal will rot within a year under our operating conditions. We use stainless steel in our gas tanks High Quality, which does not require special treatment and subsequent care.

Repair of fuel tanks is carried out using argon-arc welding. Nowadays, most fuel tanks of trucks and boats are made of aluminum, so if defects (cracks, breaks) appear in the tanks, argon-arc welding is indispensable. Our specialists, thanks to their extensive experience in welding fuel tanks, will bring the faulty part to working condition. If removing the tank to carry out welding work is a problem, then our workers will make every effort to eliminate the defects on site (on-site visit is possible, see Price list for repair of fuel tanks).

Our company also manufactures fuel tanks according to customer drawings or samples.

We offer ready-made fuel tanks for UAZ of increased volume.

An increase in FUEL volume is achieved by replacing “original” tanks with tanks manufactured by our company: EAC 06/09/5015.

The company has registered a declaration of conformity with technical regulations CUSTOMS UNION "On the safety of wheeled vehicles Vehicle" (TR TS 018/2011) under the number TS N RU D-RU.MT49.B.00107

Name V tank (liters) Stainless steel Equipment Cost without installation (RUB) Cost with installation (RUB)

Tanks of increased volume instead of standard ones

UAZ PATRIOT not lifted – volume left + right 140 liters

70 liters
  • Additional tank mount
  • Fuel intake
  • Level sensor
20 000 23 000

UAZ PATRIOT lifted – volume left + right 130 liters

65 liters
19 000 22 000

UAZ PATRIOT not lifted – volume left + right 144 liters (20 mm below the body)

72 liters
  • mounting clamps, 3 pcs/tank
21 000 24 000

Neck connector tank

UAZ PATRIOT not lifted (or body lift up to 55 mm)

30 liters 11 000

UAZ PATRIOT lifted (or body lift over 55 mm)

40 liters
  • tee D=50 mm. - 2 pcs.
12 000

UAZ PATRIOT for factory tanks (39 liters) and increased volume (70 liters)

40 liters
  • Total fuel capacity 70+70+40=180 liters
  • sheet thickness 1.5 mm
12 000

Additional tanks and options

Additional tank under the lower overhang (under the remote pump). When installing a tank, a change in the exhaust tract configuration is required

120 liters
  • tee D=50 mm.
  • mounting clamps 2 pcs.
  • fuel intake
  • level sensor
  • return fitting
  • sump with drain plug
20 000

Body cover and fastening duck (locker) made of corrugated aluminum for UAZ PATRIOT PICKUP

120 liters 40 000

Cover made of corrugated aluminum 2.5 mm thick

  • - installation - 5000 rub.
  • - painting the lid – 5000 rub.
40 000

Duck fastening (locker)

  • installation - from 400 rub.

UAZ - Patriot

70 liters 1.5-2.0 mm
  • Additional tank mount
  • Fuel intake
  • Level sensor
20 000 23 000

The UAZ Patriot SUV is a combination powerful jeep with a beautiful foreign car. This car has significant differences from other types of vehicles, for example, few people know that the presence of two plugs for refueling is due to the presence of two fuel tanks. That’s right, the UAZ Patriot SUV is equipped with two fuel tanks, which are designed for storing and transporting fuel. Moreover, the design in the form of two tanks is typical for SUVs with gasoline engine ZMZ-409, and with diesel Iveco. In this material we will consider design features fuel tanks on an SUV, what volume they have, how to replace one of the devices and other subtleties.

In design fuel system The UAZ Patriot SUV has two tanks that are designed for storing and transporting fuel. The UAZ Patriot SUV has decent fuel consumption, so the presence of two tanks is not just an idea of ​​engineers, but a necessity.

Fuel tanks located directly under the bottom of the SUV on the left and right sides. The total capacity of these products is 76 liters, as stated by the manufacturer, but there is an opinion that in reality it holds much more fuel. Filler plugs are located on both sides of the tanks, allowing fuel to be refueled from either side. This pleasant feature is unique to Russian SUV UAZ Patriot.

The tanks are connected to each other by rubber pipelines. Fuel is supplied to the engine directly from the right tank, and from the left flammable liquid flows into the right. As fuel is consumed, the right tank is filled from the left. Structural diagram The fuel system of the UAZ Patriot SUV has the following appearance, shown in the photo below.

How is the fuel transfer process carried out? Fuel constantly flows from the left tank to the right through the operation of an ejector-type jet pump. The design of the left device does not have a fuel pump, but only a level sensor. The system works as follows:

  • when the car engine is started, the gas pump operates, supplying fuel from the right tank;
  • the fuel line design has a special tee located between the right element and the SUV engine;
  • from the tee, excess fuel that does not enter the ramp is returned to the right tank, which is ensured by the pressure in the system;
  • this liquid that passes with high speed, causes a sharp drop in pressure in the system, which causes the creation of a vacuum;
  • Due to the vacuum, liquid is transferred from the left to the right tank.

This phenomenon occurs only when the engine is running and until the left element is completely empty. Fuel does not overflow even when the right element is full. Thus, you can see that the main tank on the UAZ Patriot SUV is on the right side, and the additional one is on the left. The additional and main tanks have absolutely identical design and capacity.

Tank of regular and increased volume

How to drain gasoline from tanks?

Sometimes there is a pressing need for a small amount of gasoline, either for washing spare parts or parts, or for starting a fire. Draining gasoline from the tank of a UAZ Patriot SUV is not so easy, because as we remember, this is not just a car, but a real work of technology.
To drain gasoline, you will need to unscrew the drain plug and draw the required amount of fuel through it. Gas tanks on SUVs have a curved system of pipelines coming from the filler plug, so inserting the hose through the plug and sucking in gasoline using the known method will not work. It is impossible to drain gasoline from any gas tank, both the right and the left.

There is another way, but it is a little more complicated. To do this, you must first release the pressure in the rail using a valve. After this, remove the hose from the ramp and lower it into a container that needs to be filled with gasoline. Then the ignition is turned on, and the container is observed to fill. When the container is filled to the required amount, you should simply turn off the ignition. In this case, there is no need to start the engine at all, since the fuel pump is already functioning when the ignition is turned on. Using these methods, gasoline is drained from the gas tanks of a UAZ Patriot SUV.

Container sizes

The size of one SUV gas tank or its volume is 38 liters, but in fact, the length of the neck that goes to filler plug adds volume to the device. In this case, you can replace that you can fill completely empty gas tanks with 43 liters of gasoline or diesel fuel.
Therefore, if we take into account only the volume of the tanks themselves, then it is 38 liters, and in total the system allows you to fill the car with 86 liters. This nice addition, since the car needs a spare amount of fuel.

The system has the disadvantage of pumping fuel, which was discussed above. Fuel transfer is a process that ensures continuous replenishment of the right gas tank. But when something bad happens to this very right tank in the form of damage, then such a pumping system will only accelerate the loss of fuel. Therefore, it would not hurt to have a special button on the panel with which you can turn on or off the gasoline pumping function.

Tank cap

The UAZ Patriot SUV has two filler holes, which means there are also two caps. The tank cap is a sealed element that is used to lock the inlet for refueling. Tightness in this matter is important, since leaky locking contributes to the leakage and evaporation of gasoline.

The cover on the Patriot is ordinary and is not equipped with a special lock. In principle, an SUV does not need a lock on the gas tank filler cap, but it will not be superfluous if you are worried about the safety of your car. Therefore, it is recommended to install a gas cap with a lock that can be closed with a key. Thus, you can definitely sleep peacefully and not worry that the craftsmen will still try to drain the gasoline.

Removal and replacement

Over time, the car may experience such a feature as a violation of the integrity of one of the tanks or the need to clean them. To clean or replace products, you will need to remove them. What is the removal of these devices, we will consider further.

Removing gas tanks on a UAZ Patriot SUV is carried out as follows:

  1. To begin with, the pressure in the power system is reduced.
  2. To drain all fuel from the device, you will need to unscrew drain plug and place the container.
  3. The next step is to disconnect the block with wires and unscrew the nut securing the pipelines.
  4. The pipeline is disconnected from fuel pump and the tightening of the clamp is loosened.
  5. The inlet hose, which is connected to the tank, is removed.
  6. The bolted connections securing the clamps are unscrewed. After loosening, the clamps must be moved to the side and the gas tank must be dismantled.

This technology is suitable for both left and right device removal. Just before removing the left one, you should disconnect the pipelines and wire blocks from it.

If the product needs to be replaced, then after removal, a similar device, only a new one, is installed. Replacing the tank is not particularly difficult and can be completed in 2-3 hours. It is also possible to replace a standard product with a tuned one or a so-called enlarged tank of the Bakor brand. Capacity of this device is 53 liters, but it is important to take into account that the load on the suspension increases. Therefore, you should choose between what is pleasant and what is useful.

Tank protection

But in principle, replacing with new gas tank Bakor brand is only confirmed positive reviews car owners. Let’s summarize here and note that it is important to monitor the integrity of your fuel storage containers, since the slightest impact will provoke the appearance of microcracks. Therefore, it is recommended in this case to install protection for the tanks.

You can check your BMR and if you need to reduce it!


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