Branded fuel of various brands. Branded gasoline: truth and myths. Types of octane numbers: OCHI and OCHM

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Bonus fuel Branded fuel is fuel with improved characteristics, which is produced by adding specialized additives to high-quality gasoline. Each company studies the chemical composition of additives individually, and this is preceded by years of laboratory research, field trials and tests, serious marketing analysis. The result of this work is the creation of improved fuel. As a rule, such gasoline is somewhat more expensive than regular gasoline, but it has additional positive properties: it is more environmentally friendly (branded fuel complies with the Euro-5 standard), cleans the engine of carbon deposits and extends its service life, with more economical consumption is able to increase engine power and improve its performance characteristics, and in the long term - increase the service life of the car.

The development of branded fuel for a company is a kind of quality mark, an indicator of high professionalism and good reputation in the market - small private companies cannot produce “brands”, this is the prerogative of strong players with their own quality control laboratories and production facilities. Abroad, the production of gasoline with additives that improve its properties has been practiced for a long time. In the last decade, this trend has gained momentum in Russia. Branded fuel is offered to consumers by companies such as Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Lukoil, TNK gas stations, BP, and Bashneft. At the same time, if initially branded fuel fell into the premium segment, then last years

Gasoline of a new generation In Tatarstan, the Tatnefteproduct company became a pioneer in the development of its own branded fuel. This is the only company in the republic that has launched the production and sale of an innovative product - gasoline under the ECO brand with the addition of new generation additives F2-21 eeFuel (there are no analogues of such an additive in Russia yet). As a rule, in the first generation of additives the emphasis was placed on detergent properties - such gasoline kept the engine clean, thereby ensuring its protection and optimal performance. The Tatnefteprodukt company has moved away from purely detergent properties - the chemical composition of the branded fuel additive makes it possible to achieve a greater effect.

As the head of the department said retail and marketing of the Tatnefteproduct company Nail Shaidullin, the company has its own branded fuel distinctive features compared to fuel of federal brands, being made on the basis of a fundamentally different additive: “It has a different operating principle - among other things, our additive is a combustion activator. It has greater atomization, disperses widely in the fuel and, entering the combustion chamber, activates combustion processes, allowing the fuel to burn more completely - almost 100% (conventional fuel, as a rule, does not burn out to the end). Due to this activation we get less carbon deposits and large quantity energy with less fuel injection. This reduces gasoline consumption, increases power, improves performance characteristics and extends the life of the engine, and also makes its operation more environmentally friendly - a larger mass of fuel is burned rather than emitted into the atmosphere. This is a significant difference. The launch of branded fuel was preceded by long and serious work, so we are confident in its quality and characteristics.”

By the way, if the effect of using improved fuel, according to many experts, is often noticeable only after a few months, then the beneficial effect on the engine of ECO fuel is noticeable after the first refueling - less gasoline is consumed, the ride becomes more confident and smooth, and in order to achieve the required power indicators, you don’t have to press the pedal all the way to the floor. This is confirmed by independent foreign experts from Holland and India.

Today, the company’s gas stations offer three types of branded fuel: AI-95 ECO, AI-92 ECO and diesel fuel DT ECO Euro-5 class (they can be found at 116 of the company’s 146 gas stations), in the future there are plans to launch and sale of liquefied gas ECO. According to the company’s own statistics, every third driver now fills up with ECO fuel at Tatnefteproduct gas stations. Many Tatarstan residents have already been able to verify the quality of the improved fuel - this is evidenced not only by internal statistics, but also by unbiased facts - there are many car enthusiasts forums on the Internet positive feedback car owners who have made a sustainable choice in favor of ECO gasoline and provide objective data on its positive impact on the performance characteristics of the car. The demand for this product is no longer in doubt, and this once again confirms that focusing on quality is a priority, which always pays off with an excellent reputation.

The consumer can always choose whether to fill his car with expensive or cheap fuel. Today in Russia, Ukraine and many CIS countries, new types of branded fuel are appearing every day. Branded fuel is produced by the manufacturing company under its own name and has a certain set of qualities. This type gasoline is positioned as gasoline with improved characteristics, having beneficial properties such as reducing noise and emissions exhaust gases, reducing fuel consumption, cleaning engine parts and increasing their durability. These changes are due to the correct balance chemical elements and substances in fuel, which is achieved by cleaning and introducing specialized additives. This type of gasoline is faster and more powerful, more environmentally friendly and cleaner... and a little more expensive, although, it must be said, the price is well worth its properties, which is obvious from the continuously growing popularity of branded fuel brands.

Today, leading fuel companies in the CIS countries and Europe have been producing their own brands of branded fuel for a long time; the most popular ones are presented below popular brands:

G-Drive from the Gazprom Neft company. Contains the latest generation active additive complex. The use of G-Drive gasoline helps reduce consumption and reduce harmful substances in emissions. Thanks to the detergent component, the amount of deposits is reduced by intake valves and fuel injectors of engines is reduced by more than 10 times. Prevents the formation of deposits and protects the engine fuel system from corrosion. The friction modifier included in the fuel increases the efficiency of the engine as a whole: testing G-Drive on cars different brands showed an increase in engine power up to 8.6% and an improvement in vehicle acceleration dynamics up to 1.5 seconds.

Ventus Lithuanian subsidiary of the Polish Orlen is sold in the network of Ukrainian gas stations "KLO", and is also successfully sold in Europe. Thanks to the addition of an additive package, it has the following properties: increases engine power, improves throttle response and speed characteristics, removes deposits and carbon deposits in the fuel system, prevents corrosion of engine parts, reduces fuel consumption by 4%, exhaust toxic emissions by up to 15%.

Pulsar fuel company"TNK-BP" has high environmental characteristics and complies with the Euro-4 standard and in its parameters exceeds the norms of the Russian standard GOST R 51866 required for modern automobile fuel. According to the manufacturer’s statement and the results of experiments, gasoline cleans the engine, removing 60% of deposits, and protects by 90% from the formation of new ones, which allows the engine to operate more stably and efficiently.

V-Power from the oil concern Shell is sold at gas stations of the same name. According to the manufacturer, the fuel was created for racing cars Ferrari cars for participation in Formula 1 racing. Shell V-Power is a fuel (Au-95) that is designed to achieve maximum performance modern engines with self-regulating ignition timing. FMT technology reduces friction between the cylinder walls and piston rings- an important area of ​​the engine that is very difficult to lubricate.

ECTO from LUKOIL, in particular, the EKTO plus and EKTO sport gasoline brands. The manufacturer promises an increase in engine power by 7.5% and 9.5%, while fuel economy compared to regular gasoline is 5% and 6.5%, respectively. The quality of gasoline meets the requirements of Euro-3 environmental safety standards, which, in principle, is no longer relevant, since other manufacturers offer brand names corresponding to Euro-4 and Euro-5.

UNIQ sold in the network of gas stations “Partner”, “Uralkontraktneft”, “TransAZS” and other domestic gas stations. The fuel has good cleaning properties due to the introduction of a specialized package of detergent additives Difron 6888 And Difron 7113. The active components in UNIQ premium fuel remove carbon deposits that appear on valves, injectors and in the combustion chamber when using conventional fuel, and protect the fuel system from the formation of new deposits. Friction modifiers reduce the coefficient of friction of interacting engine surfaces. Gasoline helps improve dynamics and ride quality the car as a whole.

Futura- fuel from the Finnish manufacturer “Neste Oil” with an environmental detergent additive “Futura”, the use of which reduces corrosion of parts of the car’s fuel system. The basis for this brand is gasoline produced at the Kirishinefteorgsintez Production Association. Gasoline does not contain lead and is suitable for fuel systems with catalysts. The main properties of Futura gasoline include: maximum combustion of oxygen-enriched fuel, efficient atomization, and reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Pulls branded fuel of the OKKO gas station network, which, thanks to its improved characteristics, provides engine protection and power, regardless of the vehicle’s service life. The use of gasoline helps to increase engine power and stability, improve dynamics, reduce consumption, clean the engine, prevent carbon formation and reduce harmful emissions. Best suited for new foreign cars and improves the performance of used cars.

BP Ultimate- tests show that when using BP Ultimate 98 in vehicles with gasoline engines the increase in net power compared to conventional fuel can be up to 14.7%. This is achieved by cleaning the engine, improving knock characteristics and reducing engine friction. Mitsubishi car The Evolution has been subjected to a series of dynamometer tests to clearly and accurately determine net horsepower. At 7000 rpm the engine developed by 6% more power when running on BP Ultimate than when running on regular fuel.

95 Mustang- sold exclusively in the WOG gas station network. Thanks to special cleaning components, 95 Mustang prevents the formation of carbon deposits on engine parts and cleans existing deposits in engines of cars with long term operation. Increased combustion efficiency, cleaning and friction reduction significantly increase engine power, improve acceleration and dynamics. At constant use This gasoline reduces fuel and vehicle operating costs. Gasoline contains a minimum of components that pollute external environment. A real 95 Mustang is protected with a special green marker. Any mixing with other fuels will result in loss of color.

Numerous tests of branded gasolines conducted by both manufacturers and independent experts show better driving and performance characteristics compared to conventional gasolines. Such parameters are achieved through the use of high-quality feedstock (gasoline), which is the basis, and a specialized additive, thanks to which conventional fuel acquires the necessary properties.

Today, large foreign and domestic chains gas stations(gas stations) consider it good form to offer their customers a special service - refueling cars with branded fuel with modern additives. It has been noted that branded fuel is an excellent indicator of a company’s social responsibility. Each company has a unique name for such a product, playing on ecology, efficiency or power. But at their core, such brands of gasoline and diesel fuel are nothing more than the “base” of the high class, to which a package of modern additives has been added. These additives radically change the characteristics of the fuel - improve combustion, increase the octane or cetane number, reduce carbon formation and slow down oxidation processes. In other words, they make the fuel as efficient as possible in any conditions and at the same time harmless to the engine. At gas stations in the capital you can see several special types of gasoline. These are G-Drive from Gazprom Neft, Pulsar from TNK, V-Power from Shell, EKTO from Lukoil, Ultimate from BP and PREMIUM SPORT (95) from TRASSA Group of Companies. Branded gasoline from different manufacturers its advantages. Each car enthusiast chooses fuel to suit his needs. The main thing is that the fuel must be of high quality. For example, in the production of “PREMIUM SPORT (95)”, manufacturers use latest developments the largest American chemical concern - Afton Chemical. The innovative additive fully meets the requirements technical regulations to automobile fuel operating in Russia and does not contain metals and other components that could harm the fuel system and car engine. In general, as experts say, the use of branded gasoline “PREMIUM SPORT (95)” provides more high efficiency engine performance, increases its service life and reduces fuel consumption. The quality of branded fuel “PREMIUM-SPORT (95)” was checked during a test drive by racers Maxim Shoropaev, who competes in survival races and karting competitions, and Vasily Fedoseev, a participant in off-road competitions, jeep trials, jeep sprints and motorcycle crosses. According to Maxim, his Mazda 6 with a 2.5-liter engine (192 hp) and 6-speed automatic transmission gears thanks to “PREMIUM SPORT (95)” “over a three-hour trip I covered a lot longer distance without refueling than if the car was filled with regular 95-octane gasoline.” Vasily after testing a Peugeot 208 with a 1.2-liter engine (82 hp) and robotic box Effi¬cient TronicGearbox noted: “PREMIUM SPORT (95),” which we refueled with during the test drive, noticeably improved acceleration dynamics, increased engine power, and reduced fuel consumption. I am satisfied with the branded fuel of the TRASSA gas station network.

Despite the fact that most motorists prefer to refuel cheaper, branded fuel is becoming increasingly popular in many CIS countries.

What exactly is branded fuel?

This is gasoline with improved characteristics, which, in addition to its main function, has additional qualities: reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, makes the engine less noisy, helps clean the fuel system and helps reduce fuel consumption. These and other properties are achieved due to a certain balance of fuel elements and the presence of additional additives.

The result is fuel that is more expensive than usual, but gives the motorist many bonuses that fully justify its price. And more and more car owners understand this.

Popular brands of Russian and European branded fuel:

  • G-Drive produced by Gazprom Neft

Using new generation additives, the manufacturer has achieved a reduction in harmful emissions and fuel consumption. And the detergent components in gasoline made it possible to reduce the volume of deposits on injectors by 10 times or more. In addition, G-Drive helps protect the fuel system from rust and, thanks to a friction modifier, increases overall engine efficiency.

  • Pulsar produced by TNK-BP

Helps clean the engine, eliminating more than 50% of deposits and protecting against the appearance of new ones. In terms of environmental qualities, this fuel meets the high Euro-4 standard.

  • "EKTO" produced by Lukoil

It is presented by two brands of gasoline, which, according to the manufacturer, increase engine power by 7.5 and 9.5%, respectively, and fuel consumption is reduced by 5–6.5%. In terms of environmental characteristics, gasoline complies with the Euro-3 standard, which today is considered obsolete (other manufacturers present branded fuels with higher environmental performance on the market).

  • V-Power made by Shell

The manufacturer created this gasoline for Ferrari racing cars participating in Formula 1. The fuel is designed to reduce friction in one of the most problematic areas of the engine, where lubrication is poorly supplied: between the piston rings and the cylinder walls.

  • Futura by Neste Oil

Contains an environmentally friendly detergent additive, thanks to which fuel system better protected from corrosion. The fuel is enriched with oxygen, which made it possible to achieve the maximum level of combustion. Other important advantages: minimum emissions and efficient spraying.

  • UNIQ

Helps improve the driving performance and dynamics of the car. Contains a package of detergent additives and active components to remove carbon deposits from injectors, valves and combustion chambers. Thanks to friction modifiers, the coefficient of friction is minimized on all moving surfaces of the engine.

  • Pulls produced by OKKO

Protects the engine and keeps it running smoothly full power regardless of the age of the car. ICEs running on this fuel operate more stable, gasoline consumption and the amount of harmful emissions are reduced, dynamics are improved, and less carbon deposits are formed.

  • 95 Mustang from the WOG gas station network

Contains cleaning components that not only prevent the formation of carbon deposits, but also reduce the volume of existing deposits. The fuel also has high cleaning and combustion efficiency - it reduces friction, improves dynamics and acceleration, increases engine power and reduces fuel consumption. This fuel is also one of the most environmentally friendly on the market.

  • BP Ultimate

By cleaning the engine, it significantly increases its power compared to using conventional fuel. Reduces friction of engine elements.


The fuel is produced using technology developed for rocket fuel. It contains combustion catalysts Russian production, which ensure complete combustion of fuel, which provides a number of tangible advantages. Already after the first refueling, power is stabilized, engine reliability is increased, environmental performance is improved, and specific consumption fuel.

Gasoline is an almost colorless liquid with a specific odor, which is a complex combination of hydrocarbon chains that differ in their structure. The characteristics of the fuel depend on these chains, called fractions: boiling and freezing points, volatility and other properties.

Gasoline production

Gasoline is a product as well as purity, which determines the brand of gasoline. The main methods for producing this type of fuel are reforming, cracking and direct sublimation.

Gasoline can also be obtained from natural and associated gases, coal and is used not only as a fuel, but also as a solvent, extractor and wash, and a raw material in the petrochemical industry.

Despite a fairly wide range of applications, more than 90% of everything produced in the world gasoline is coming for engine fuel internal combustion. There are two main types and automotive.

Gasoline brands vary depending on the quality level: the higher it is, the less problems with the operation and maintenance of the vehicle.

The main method of producing gasoline is the cracking process, which is a secondary process. During cracking, heavy hydrocarbons are broken down, increasing the volume finished liquid by 60%. Thermal cracking is carried out at temperatures above 500 o C, resulting in the creation of gasoline grades with an octane number of no more than 70.

Today fuel for aviation and automotive technology produced in oil refineries equipped with automated equipment. The oil entering them is mixed, settled and stored in special tanks. Then it is washed, dehydrated and rectified. As a result, straight-run gasolines are obtained from it, differing high level chemical stability. Liquids are purified, sulfur is removed from their composition, and octane levels increase.

The first use of straight-run gasoline made it possible to increase the power and efficiency of engines, but the successes were short-lived: the fuel mixture exploded in the combustion chamber when it was heated by compression. Detonation caused engine failure. The solution to this problem was the use of special substances - anti-knock agents. The most effective of them is tetraethyl lead. As a result, the resistance of gasoline to detonation began to be assessed by octane number, which received the name of the brand. It is determined in several ways - research, motor and temperature.

Gasoline quality requirements

Both aviation and automobile must meet certain requirements, established by GOST in order to ensure high performance characteristics. These criteria include five main ones:

  1. Factional composition.
  2. Stability of chemical composition.
  3. Volatility.
  4. Resistance to detonation.
  5. Tendency to form carbon deposits.

Factional composition

The fractional composition has an effect on the functionality of the engine, characterized by several properties. The first one is temperature environment. The percentage of light fractions depends on it. The lower it is, the greater the number of fractions that should be contained in the fuel. However, too much of them can lead to the formation of vapor locks.

The second and third are the time spent warming up the engine and the degree of wear of the cylinders and pistons. Ambient temperature also has a significant influence on these parameters, so the fractional composition of summer and winter grades of gasoline differs. Poor volatility of gasoline can cause its liquid fraction to enter the combustion chamber and crankcase, which leads to dilution motor oil and engine failure.

Chemical stability

It varies depending on the rate of oxidation of fuel components and can cause carbon deposits to appear on spark plugs, valves and other engine components. The chemical stability of gasoline is its ability to maintain its properties regardless of the environment.


Determines the ability of gasoline to change from a liquid to a gaseous state and mix with air to form a flammable mixture. Volatility affects engine starting and depends on the fractional composition of gasoline.

Detonation properties

The ability of gasoline to not ignite when compressed. The phenomenon of detonation is not the most pleasant and harmless, as it can lead to engine overheating and failure. This parameter depends not only on the composition of the fuel, but also on the design of the engine.

Carbon formation

The resins present in gasoline cause the formation of soot. Most often it is deposited on the carburetor, which leads to increased fuel consumption, decreased power and other malfunctions. The appearance of deposits can be prevented by adding special additives.

Gasoline brands

The fuel is marked depending on its octane number: the higher it is, the greater the fuel’s resistance to detonation; accordingly, it can be used in engines with a high compression ratio fuel mixture. Eg:

  • Gasoline A-76 - octane number motor method no less than 76.
  • Gasoline grade 80 - octane number not less than 80.
  • Gasoline grade 92 - octane number not less than 92.
  • Gasoline AI-95 - octane number, respectively, not less than 95.

Motor gasoline is marked with the letter “A”, aviation gasoline - with the letter “B”, the numbers, accordingly, are its numerical index, or octane number. If there is a letter “I” in front of the index, it means that the octane number was measured using a research method. The absence of a letter indicates the use of the motor method.

The practical use of gasoline depends on its main property - resistance to detonation. Octane number expresses this parameter For automobile gasoline. For aviation fuel, its grade is a reflection of its anti-knock properties.

Brands of motor gasoline are classified precisely according to this property. For aviation gasoline, after the letter “B” - for example, B/-100/130 - the octane number is indicated, where the type of fuel acts as the denominator. The resistance of gasoline to detonation can be increased by adding special additives to its composition - tetraethyl lead.

Fuel marking

Today, several brands of gasoline of different grades are produced in the CIS countries: summer, winter, leaded, unleaded and low-leaded.

Leaded gasoline grades are colored different shades, for example, A-72 is pink, AI-93 is red-orange, AI-98 is blue.

In foreign countries, gasoline is produced in two main grades: “Premium” of the first grade with an octane number of 97-98 and “Regular” of the second grade with an octane number of 90-94. In the USA, England and some other countries of the world, “Super” fuel is produced, the octane number of which is 99-102.

The question of which brand of gasoline is better cannot be answered unequivocally: each car uses a certain type of gasoline. For imported passenger cars The manufacturer recommends using fuel with an octane number of at least 91-92, for cars manufactured in the 90s - with an octane number of at least 94.

The characteristics of gasoline, the brand of gasoline and its quality are determined by the content of alkalis, acids, sulfur and organic compounds in the composition and the degree of its contamination. Often at gas stations in the CIS countries you can encounter low-quality fuel, the use of which can lead to premature wear and failure of the car engine.

Modern internal combustion engines require strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the fuel used: only the gasoline of the brand specified by the manufacturer is filled power unit. This is due to the fuel mixture, engine design and cylinder displacement. For example, the greater the compression and volume of the combustion chamber, the higher the octane number of the fuel. According to the designers, one part of twenty-five hundredths of compression accounts for one unit of octane number.


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