What is antifreeze? Where to pour antifreeze? Instructions. How to replace antifreeze: detailed instructions Pour antifreeze onto a hot or cold engine

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Quite a lot of information has been written about the fluids consumed by the cooling system. But this is the first time we will talk about how to properly fill and top up these liquids into the cooling system.

Let us remind you that mixing different refrigerants is unacceptable in most cases, since at the output the mixed cocktail may precipitate, which will not disappear on its own, but will begin to systematically coke the thin radiator tubes and other delicate parts of the cooling system. Therefore, it is worth filling only with fluids indicated for use, which have received the approval of the car manufacturer, and only adding the same component that fills the already existing SOD with its base.

The question of how antifreeze or antifreeze behaves when added to ordinary water can be left open. Concentrates of these substances give excellent performance with water in certain acceptable proportions, again if distilled water is poured in, and not a composition of chlorine, sodium, magnesium and potassium, which often comes out of the tap.

Again, we remind you that the color of the coolant does not affect its composition in any way - green, blue, red liquids can be compatible with each other, while liquids of the same color, for example, yellow, can have completely different structure, additives and base.

How to add antifreeze to the cooling system?

IN modern cars antifreeze is mainly used, using its example we will tell you how to correctly fill and top up this substance for normal operation cooling systems.

The most common mistake is pouring liquid into the radiator socket. Indeed, this unit has a filling hole, but only in those models that are subject to disassembly.

Tightly soldered system The radiator does not involve pouring and topping up directly; antifreeze enters it through the expansion tank, into which the coolant is mainly poured, then flowing evenly to all components of the cooling system.

By the way, when the coolant changes completely, the main reason for which is a simple change of brand or replacement of the old one with a new one, then collapsible radiator models are drained separately, with their own lower hole, and the rest of the liquid drains through an additional plug, which is sometimes covered with a protection on the bottom.

In this matter, the instructions are always helpful, since various models cars may have their own modifications to the cooling system and non-standard drain and fill holes, especially for English-made cars. Otherwise, the procedure for filling antifreeze and other coolants can be divided into several simple steps. There is nothing complicated about this, so changing the refrigerant can be done independently.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing antifreeze

1. Buy the required high-quality antifreeze (for characteristics and indications, see the instructions for using the car, checking the manufacturer’s label).

2. Start the car and let it work without load for 10 minutes, then turn or set the interior heater to the maximum maximum position, in other words, turn on the heater to its fullest. After this, turn off the engine.

3. Drain old antifreeze from the entire cooling system.

To do this, it is better to position the car so that its front part is lower than the rear part, then the coolant will drain more actively from all the nooks and crannies. Then you need to turn the expansion tank plug so that excess pressure finds a way out (in some models you need to turn the plug on the radiator, and sometimes you need to turn two plugs at once). After the liquid in the system is not pumped, it will quickly cool down and will not allow you to get burned. As soon as the plug can be touched with an unprotected hand, it should be opened completely. Then also open the drain outlet at the bottom of the radiator, first replacing unnecessary containers in which the used antifreeze can later be disposed of.

4. Flushing the system.

After that. Once all the coolant has been completely drained, it is necessary to flush the cooling system.

This is done only when switching to new brands of antifreeze or in the case when the system has not undergone preventive maintenance for a long time. Distilled water perfectly washes away corrosive deposits and removes scale. If dirt has accumulated, then you should use special flushes for the cooling system, which will help remove the dirt.

If you decide to use ordinary water, then this procedure will have to be repeated two or three times. Namely... fill in the flush, close the taps, perform this operation only on cold engine. Then close all the plugs and run a flush for 10 - 15 minutes (or as indicated in the instructions) to clean the system. Then perform the first two steps in the same order as when draining the used antifreeze. If you want to save money, then the first flushing of a very dirty cooling system can be carried out under the pressure of ordinary water, and only then use special means or distilled water. On average, three washing lines are enough for the SOD to become like new. Yes, one more moment. It is at this time that you should check all gaskets, fittings and pipes for wear and replace them if necessary.

After cleaning the system, fresh working antifreeze, which was purchased earlier, is poured in.

Filling occurs into the neck of the radiator (only for collapsible models), but mainly into the expansion tank. By the way, you should carefully follow these steps and not confuse the expansion tank with the washer tank; they are usually located next to each other and are very similar to each other.

You should add antifreeze without haste, but also without stopping, which can cause air to enter the system; then you will have to pump it for a long time.

It is also necessary to monitor the fluid level when adding antifreeze:

  • for the radiator - this is the lower mark (risk);
  • for a drain barrel - maximum, since the liquid will then disperse to all corners of the cooling system and its volume in the tank will decrease.

6. Vent the air. When the antifreeze injection is completed, the air should be bled from the system.

This is done by means of a tap - a screw located on the engine cylinder block. As soon as the first drops of liquid appear, this will be a signal that all the air has gone, and the tap can be turned back all the way.

After this final procedure, it is necessary to start the car’s engine again and let it run, allowing the accelerator to be applied five minutes after the start. Then turn off the car again, wait a few minutes and check the antifreeze level in the expansion tank. If necessary, add fluid to the required level. Same after complete replacement Antifreeze should be checked every day for a week, since it is at this time that hidden problems in the system that were previously invisible can be identified.

How to add antifreeze correctly?

Any addition of antifreeze and other refrigerants to the cooling system occurs only through the hole expansion tank.

To do this, you need to remove the cap and check for the presence of liquid. The minimum level should be alarming, and the maximum over the course of a month is beyond the norm, so it is better that there is a golden mean.

As mentioned above, you can only add antifreeze with the same composition, regardless of color, but it is better to use the same manufacturer, since there are differences in additives even for completely identical coolants, depending on the batch.

Top-ups are carried out most often in winter time of the year. This is associated with the loss of fluid during cooling and heating (idling car, starting at idle). Such additions are normal and should not be alarmed. If antifreeze consumption becomes high, and a system check shows no malfunctions, then you should consider changing the refrigerant with a more resistant formula to freezing and expansion.

Many drivers carry out the procedure for replacing and adding coolant themselves. Sometimes a lot of questions arise: adding cold or hot, choosing antifreeze, ways to avoid airing the system. Parts are often made of non-identical materials, and changing antifreeze will negatively affect the functions and integrity of the cooling system.

Manufacturers have come up with different refilling methods. Fluids are poured into the radiator for Hyundai Solaris and Ford Focus. The second method is through the expansion tank (Kia Rio, Renault Logan). From a general point of view: mixtures are poured into the machine when it is cold.
Ways to add fluid while preserving the car are described below.

Antifreeze: can I add it?

For efficient work There must be a heat-removing liquid inside the system circuit. The cooling mixture contains a certain percentage of water. While working, she comes into contact with high temperatures evaporating. There are criteria when you need to top up or completely change antifreeze.

If there is not enough antifreeze, it must be added, otherwise there is a threat to normal cooling; air jams. Working fluid gradually begins to change properties, losing active substances. Control the amount of antifreeze and top up on time. Make sure that the liquid you add matches the standards already added to the tank.

How often should antifreeze be added?

Car manufacturers give different service life of the coolant mixture. Topping up is carried out as the product is used, since the boiling point evaporates the water component. Maintain the level of antifreeze; there is no clear time frame for filling.

Unforeseen circumstances may occur that determine how often the procedure must be performed. Unnoticeable hose leaks, cracks in metal components of the car, radiator corrosion. If you frequently add antifreeze, perform an inspection (it helps bright color mixture) the tightness of the system when the engine is hot, where pressure is created.

Is it possible to add antifreeze of different colors?

Top up liquids different color undesirable, but acceptable. The color scale is not a strictly regulated norm. Each manufacturer awards its product with a color. For correct refilling use the same antifreeze or carefully select another one based on class and composition.

To rely on color differences, you need to consider the scale introduced by Volkswagen. In this list, each class gets its own color scheme. G11 – traditional or silicate coolants. Color - blue or green. G12, G12+, G12++ are made from organic acids. Such mixtures are colored red, orange or lilac color. G13 is a safe propylene glycol liquid. They are colored purple or yellow. Conclusion: do not rush to add red liquid - with green composition.

Is it possible to fill in antifreeze of a different brand, but of the same color?

There are no strict standards. There is no guarantee that a liquid of the same color as yours, but of a different brand, will be identical. Antifreeze from another manufacturer may be made on an incompatible base and contain incompatible additives, which will damage the cooling system. After making sure that the solution poured into the car and the solution you are purchasing are compatible, use a liquid of a different brand without being tied to the color.

Is it possible to add distilled water to antifreeze?

The substances are sold concentrated along with ready-made mixtures. You need to add distilled water to the concentrate, since it does not contain undesirable components (chlorine, fluorine and others). Ordinary tap water forms scale on the walls of the system, which will worsen the heat transfer properties. The separated parts can clog the parts responsible for the movement of liquid along the circuits, and the machine will begin to boil.

Distillation removes harmful substances. Provided that the liquid level has dropped slightly, only water can be used. Remember that this affects the properties of the antifreeze that was poured earlier.

Is it possible to add antifreeze to antifreeze?

The aggressive properties of antifreeze are very sensitive to other components, and what will happen after topping up is unpredictable. Possible crystal formation, corrosion of aluminum components, and corrosion of hoses. There is a release of sediment flakes that are dangerous for moving parts and filters, and the additives of the infused antifreeze are neutralized.

Conclusion - nothing can be added to antifreeze, with the exception of distilled water, but it lowers the freezing point. If you dilute antifreeze with water in a ratio of about 50/50, the engine will work, but mentally say goodbye to the car’s pump and thermostat.

What kind of antifreeze can I add if I forgot the brand of the old one?

When you need to add coolant, but the data on the previous one is lost, it is best not to take risks. If you just don’t know the brand of the old one, it’s not so bad. It is permissible to add another identical class to the existing one. The first owner of a car from the showroom needs to find information from the manufacturer. It’s worse when the type of antifreeze is unknown. It is better to flush and completely replace the coolant.

What antifreeze to fill in Hyundai Solaris

Car enthusiasts are interested in the question of how to replace the factory refrigerant with Japanese car. Hyundai Solaris should be filled with green liquid CoolStream A-110 or Crown LLC A-110 from the factory.

If the color of the old fluid or antifreeze corresponds to class G11, then the same must be poured into the car. Every car produced in 2012, 2013 and 2015 uses the G12+ class. With G12++ antifreeze (as Opel Astra J), can only be mixed with G13.

What is the best antifreeze to fill in Renault Logan

The French cool their engines with their own Renault Type D fluids yellow color. This antifreeze is suitable for 1.4/1.6/2 liter engines. The basis of the mixture is ethylene glycol, they belong to class G12. Mix the concentrate with distilled water, proportion 1: 0.8. There is no need to use G12+. You need to add fluid into the expansion tank between the minimum and maximum marks.

What antifreeze to fill in Kia Rio

Starting from the second generation, the car is filled with G12+ class coolants at the factory. Older foreign cars were filled with traditional green G11 coolant. For Kia 2013 - 2014, you can pour red mixtures with distilled water into the tank.

Topping up antifreeze in Kia Rio

A car of a Korean concern receives adding coolant to the expansion tank. Add antifreeze when the engine is cold; the fluid level should reach the Full mark.

  1. First, prepare the liquid in a clean container. Take one part of the distillate and the mixture (proportions recommended in the instructions for the Kia Rio). Select the proportions correctly for correct operation and protection of the cooling system.
  2. Remove the expansion tank cap without touching the hose going to the radiator. There is a tube in the tank, by pulling it out you can get the filler neck.
  3. We top up and return the hose to its place, close the plug on the neck, and turn on the engine. Detailed description on the picture.

Topping up antifreeze when cold or hot?

The fluid level should be refilled when it is cold. When the engine is cold, the coolant does not lose capacity; if it is hot, the volume changes under pressure. Vapors from uncooled antifreeze can cause burns when opening the tank lid (thermal and chemical). If the mixture is cold: no pressure is created in the system, and you can see how much mixture needs to be added.

For correct operation power plant car, it is important to know how to properly add and fill antifreeze into the cooling system. This unit is responsible for storing, supplying and circulating coolant in the engine vehicle. Proper functioning of the engine cooling system (ECS) protects the engine from overheating. Manufacturers' recommendations boil down to replacing antifreeze or antifreeze every 40 thousand kilometers. However, many experts advise replacing the coolant (coolant) every year.

The higher the quality of the antifreeze used, the less likely it is that corrosion processes will form in the SOD. It is worth noting that the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze does not allow them to be mixed with each other. Antifreeze is more aggressive, but cheaper, while its analogue has a softened structure and the addition of various additives, which determine the color of the coolant and some characteristics.

Refrigerant replacement

Every driver who cares about the condition of his car should know how to properly add and pour antifreeze into the cooling system. Antifreeze should be selected in accordance with the car manufacturer's recommendations. When choosing a coolant, you should not rely on its color. Currently, it's more marketing ploy, how distinguishing characteristic refrigerant.

After activation power unit for a few minutes, you need to move the heater controls to the maximum position. It is advisable to park the car on a slope, with the front part up, which will allow the system to be freed as much as possible from old antifreeze. After the engine has cooled, unscrew the cap of the expansion tank to relieve pressure and open the fluid drain valve located at the bottom of the radiator near oil filter.

If it is necessary to flush the system, after draining the coolant and closing the taps, distilled water is poured into it, and the engine is turned on for several minutes to pump the SOD. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times until clean water without impurities is drained from the system. New antifreeze is filled through the radiator filler neck and into the expansion tank. When filling the coolant for the first time, you can fill it to the maximum level line. After start-up, the refrigerant will disperse through the working pipes and the entire system.

Then you should bleed off excess air through the tap on the cylinder block until condensation appears on it. The tap is screwed in all the way, the engine is turned on for a few minutes, the antifreeze level is re-checked, and, if necessary, replenished to normal.

Features when adding coolant

If the antifreeze does not need to be completely replaced, it is topped up. You should find out the brand and type of liquid and supplement the contents with an identical composition to the required level. Manipulations are performed with a cold engine to avoid accidents. The required amount of coolant is added through the radiator inlet. You must first open the cover of the part to eliminate overpressure. If there is air stagnation in the system, you need to warm up the engine and wait until the air is removed.

Or water. This leads to the appearance of scale, which settles on the walls of the cooling system. The consequences of the reaction are a decrease in heat exchange and a decrease in the speed of some engine models. Also, you should not add antifreeze to the very top, which risks spilling out the excess and getting it onto the working parts of the power unit when it is warm.

Checking the antifreeze level

The amount of coolant can be checked in two ways:

  • According to the indicator light on the panel;
  • Visually under the hood in the coolant reservoir.
It is enough to check the antifreeze level monthly, if it does not occur emergency situations with deformation of the working container. If the temperature on the corresponding instrument panel scale exceeds, it is necessary to add antifreeze to the system. With regular replenishment of coolant, overheating of the power unit or its slow heating may occur. This indicates problems in the cooling system. The best way out of this situation would be to carry out diagnostics of the automotive unit in a specialized workshop.

It is worth considering that antifreeze is produced both in diluted and concentrated forms (see article "

Car maintenance often requires personal effort from the owner. Sometimes there is simply no service nearby that could serve and fill the necessary fluids into the car, and sometimes there is no desire to pay a lot of money for service. That's why many motorists are interested in the features self-service. One of the regular processes that you will need to perform while operating your car is replacing or adding antifreeze to the cooling system. This is a fluid that circulates through pipes and radiators in the peripheral system of the engine and allows us not to think about the complexities temperature operation cars.

Naturally, over time, any liquid becomes unusable and its use becomes less effective. There are different beliefs about when to change antifreeze. But the replacement process is clear and should be followed without exception. Because it is high-quality work with antifreeze that will preserve the reliability and durability of the engine. The cooling system is one of the most important peripheral elements of the power unit. Without its normal functioning, the engine will not be able to please you with reliable operation. Let's look at the features of replacing antifreeze.

When to change antifreeze - the main factors for replacing the fluid

There are several situations that can force a driver to change the antifreeze in his car. Some of them are related to external circumstances, and the other part is related to the operational properties of the machine. To understand how important it is to change the antifreeze in your car on time, you need to consider how bad coolant affects the operation of the vehicle. The fact is that poor antifreeze with additives and dilutions can boil and lose its properties as a temperature buffer. The engine overheats and runs at elevated temperatures. The main reasons for replacing antifreeze are as follows:

  • the color of the fluid in the expansion tank has darkened or begun to change in some other direction;
  • the liquid level began to float very noticeably, which indicates a loss of antifreeze temperature resistance;
  • you purchased a used car - in this case it is better to immediately replace all technical fluids, belts and rollers;
  • you have not replaced the antifreeze in your car for the last 45 thousand kilometers;
  • the engine began to constantly warm up or run in cold mode without reaching the required temperature;
  • do you conduct regular engineering works to troubleshoot specific problems or clarify a problem.

In any of these cases, it would be better to replace the antifreeze and get a guarantee quality work engine cooling unit. The replacement frequency of 45 thousand kilometers is clearly indicated approximately, because each manufacturer produces liquid for the cooling system using its own technologies. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take into account this general recommendation, but also read the manufacturers’ instructions, and also visually observe the condition of the liquid in the expansion tank. This will help you get rid of troubles and get reliable operation all systems of your car.

How to change antifreeze and not mix old fluid with new?

To replace antifreeze in a car, you must read the vehicle's operating instructions. Below we will describe general process replacing coolant in any car, but there are vehicles that have individual characteristics and requirements for this process. First of all, the owners British cars must dive into the factory instructions. Often in these brands you can find specific drain plugs that will help you completely get rid of used antifreeze. General scheme fluid replacement looks like this:

  1. wait until the car has completely cooled down after use (the fluid temperature will be below 40 degrees);
  2. unscrew the cap of the expansion tank so that the liquid can suck in air and exit the system;
  3. then place containers under the cooling system plugs at the bottom of the car for subsequent draining;
  4. unscrew the cap on the radiator at the bottom, as well as on the engine housing (or according to the instructions);
  5. also unscrew the plug at the top of the radiator to allow fluid to drain normally from the thin pipes;
  6. wait until all the liquid has drained, do not start the engine under any circumstances, but open the heater completely (or first turn on the climate control for heating);
  7. when the liquid has finished draining, tighten the plugs at the bottom of the radiator and in the engine ( top plug You can leave the radiator for now);
  8. pour the required amount of liquid through the expansion tank, do not rush, but do not pause;
  9. when the fluid is filled, close the radiator cap, start the engine and let it warm up the new fluid completely;
  10. If necessary, add more fluid to match the level indicated on the conservator reservoir.

Also, be sure to close the reservoir cap after performing all necessary checks. It often happens that the lid remains uncovered, and liquid pours through it all over the engine compartment. As you can see, the process of replacing antifreeze turns out to be quite simple; there is no need to pay money for this at the service. But if you perform a range of work in a specialized workshop, it is worth finding out the price of replacing antifreeze. There may be no point in fiddling with all these processes yourself.

How to choose a good antifreeze for a car?

When choosing antifreeze for your car, we recommend that you fully adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. This important point, which will help maintain the operational properties of the engine and will prevent overheating during operation. If for domestic cars engine overheating by 5 degrees is a normal condition of use, then for Japanese units, for example, this will bring serious problems. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a liquid with an understanding of full responsibility. In particular, when purchasing you will have to consider the following factors:

  • the technical characteristics of antifreeze fully comply with the requirements specified in the instructions for your car;
  • the container with the liquid is factory sealed, the lid is protected from inadvertent unscrewing;
  • the plastic of the container is transparent or light, through it you can clearly see the color of the liquid;
  • the color is bright and rich, it will be perfectly visible through the plastic of the expansion tank in your car;
  • the cost of antifreeze is not the lowest among all the proposed options, this is an indicator of counterfeit;
  • manufacturer is well-known in the world of motorists, you should not buy liquid from brands you have not heard of.

These are not strict requirements for purchasing antifreeze, but only recommendations that will help you purchase high-quality liquid. Operating a vehicle often involves searching for equipment or technical means for repair and restoration work. And in each such case, it is necessary to coordinate your purchase with the manufacturer’s requirements and other important factors in the quality of the purchased liquid. Such solutions will help you get maximum quality in the operation of the power unit and other elements of your car. Watch the following video to see how to replace fluid in an old Volkswagen:

Let's sum it up

It is difficult to say how correct the decision to replace antifreeze on your own will be if you have the opportunity to use the inexpensive services of specialists. By the way, many service stations offer a free replacement when purchasing antifreeze. This is an important point that will allow you to save time and money. If there is no opportunity to turn to professionals, then the only correct solution would be self-replacement technical fluid in the cooling system of the machine.

In any case, you should not miss the service deadlines. You need to make sure that your car receives the proper quality of equipment and will not constantly overheat or run in cold mode. To do this, you need to use high-quality technical liquids and replace them correctly, without mixing them with waste materials. If you have already changed the antifreeze in your car yourself, tell us about this experience in the comments to the post.

Today we will talk about antifreeze. Without it, the normal functioning of the vehicle would be impossible.

This product replaced antifreeze, which was used several years ago, this was facilitated by the development of technical progress. Today for every car there is certain type of this liquid.

In this article we will tell you how to properly change antifreeze in your car. This publication is a definite step-by-step algorithm for newbies. Why for beginners? Because replacement is a fairly easy process, and experienced car enthusiasts There are no difficulties during this procedure.

Preparing for replacement

Initially, it should be said that the coolant in a car should be replaced every 70-80 thousand kilometers.

If you drive very little, then every 2 years you should completely update the antifreeze in your car. Of course, depending on age and technical condition vehicle, the coolant may need to be replaced prematurely.

This can be determined by several factors:

  • If the coolant becomes dark or cloudy, this indicates that its properties have deteriorated.
  • If your engine has passed major renovation, in which the antifreeze is drained.
  • Cooling system components are damaged due to leakage.

Replacing this product in a VAZ car is in this video. We recommend viewing!

Before replacing the coolant, you need to decide on the type and type of antifreeze that is suitable for your car.

If stores do not have this model of antifreeze available (often happens with old cars), you should consult with a specialist who can select for you a type of product with similar properties that is ideal for your car.

Replacement algorithm

So we purchased coolant, which means that now we need to move on to replacing it. Of course, you can entrust the replacement to experienced technicians by taking your car to the station Maintenance, but you can do it yourself.

This way you will save yourself money. This matter, as we said earlier, is not at all complicated. Let’s say right away that you should initially try to completely drain the coolant from the system of your car, and then, accordingly, fill it 100%.

. The entire list and the rest helpful information on this topic is on our website.

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Draining old fluid

Initially, be sure to park your car on a flat surface.
This is necessary so that you can clearly see the fluid level in the system.

After this, you need to drain the antifreeze, following a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare and place containers under the place where the used substance will flow out.
  2. Open the drain valves in the system.
  3. Open taps or remove pipes carefully so that the drug does not spill out abruptly. Draining should be done gradually.
  4. After most of the liquid has been drained, unscrew the cap of the expansion tank.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the pipes or drain valves may be in different places. It depends on the design of your car.

Filling a new product into the system

In this video, they will show and explain to you how to drain the old coolant and fill in new one.

After completing the process of draining the antifreeze, it is necessary to seal the system. To do this, tighten all taps and pipes. After this, you can start changing the new antifreeze.

This should also be done according to a certain algorithm of actions:

    1. To prevent the product from spilling, you need to install a special watering can in the opening of the expansion tank or radiator.
    2. After this you need to fill in the liquid. This must be done gradually, and not pour out the entire portion at once. If you pour too much, an air plug may form, which will prevent the car's cooling system from functioning normally in the future.
    3. Please note that the expansion tank has “minimum” and “maximum” marks. We recommend finishing adding fluid when the level reaches the minimum mark.
    4. After this, close the expansion tank cap tightly.
    5. Next, you need to start the engine and let the car sit in this state for about 10 minutes, while you must monitor the condition of the antifreeze.
    6. After 10 minutes of engine operation, it is necessary to add antifreeze to the minimum mark in the expansion tank.

In principle, this is all the steps required to replace the coolant. After completing them, you need to start the car and let it reach the required engine temperature, check the functionality of the cooling system and the level of antifreeze.

The substance should not go below the minimum mark. If everything is in order, you can safely get behind the wheel. You can see for yourself that replacing antifreeze is a fairly easy process.

Important: I would like to finally warn you about the most common mistake made by beginners: you should not open the cap of the expansion tank while the engine is running, this can lead to splashes of liquid, which will lead to burns on the skin. We wish you good luck!


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