A new standard for license plates is being developed in Russia. New standards for car license plates will be introduced in Russia

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Russia will introduce new GOST standards for license plates

New car and motorcycle license plates may appear in Russia. As Kommersant writes, the revision of current GOSTs is being prepared by the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the development new edition standard is maintained by the Research Center for Security Problems traffic(Research Center for Traffic Safety) Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

As the head of the center Oleg Portashnikov said, the current GOST-50577 was issued back in 1993. The need to revise it is associated with a number of accumulated problems. In particular, most of the motorcycles sold in the Russian Federation are foreign production, The rear license plate area installed at the factory is smaller in size than Russian sign. In case the bike is purchased from official dealers, the company provides frame adapters to customers. However, as practice shows, they are not reliable enough. In the new edition of GOST, it is planned to revise the dimensions of the rear motorcycle license plate so that it meets Western standards.

The institute also believes that the standard should be revised for passenger cars. There is still a lot of foreign equipment in Russia (Japanese, American) with non-standard places for attaching signs. The standard holes on the platforms sometimes do not coincide with the holes on the numbers, explains Oleg Portashnikov. The car owner does not have the right to drill additional holes in the license plate; a fine of 500 rubles is imposed for this. For the convenience of citizens, the Scientific Research Center believes, it is possible to allow holes to be made in the room, but in certain places. It is also possible that rectangular shapes will appear in the standard. rear numbers for standard fastenings of foreign cars.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also thinking about adopting Western experience in identifying vintage cars. In some countries, the owners of such cars are issued special license plates that give the owner the right to operate the vehicle subject to certain conditions: only on weekends, away from highways, at a certain distance from the owner’s place of residence, etc. The situation is similar with competition cars . For them, it is also necessary to introduce a special type of state signs and special conditions use, the authors of the initiative believe, since sometimes rallies take place on roads common use.

In particular, it is planned to revise the standard for cars imported from Japan and the USA, which has been in force since 1993. The standard holes for attaching registration numbers in these cars do not meet the existing GOST standards, and making holes independently can result in a fine for the car owner. The new edition will allow you to make holes in certain places. It is possible that new standard will provide for the possibility of installing rear license plates of a new format, close to the format of motorcycle license plates.

The changes may also affect motorcycles. Mostly in the Russian Federation they sell foreign motorcycles, on which the space for installing a number plate is less than the signs issued in Russia. To solve this problem, motorcyclists are forced to install frame adapters. However, on them strong wind The number may become deformed or even come off. As expected, in the new edition of GOST, the dimensions of the rear motorcycle license plate will be revised in order to comply with Western standards.

Innovations may also affect retro cars Moreover, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering the possibility of using Western experience. We are talking about providing owners of old cars with special license plates. Their installation will make it possible to move on Vehicle Oh. However, there will be additional conditions: It will be possible to drive on public roads only on weekends, away from expressways and at a certain distance from the owner’s place of residence. Under certain conditions, license plates will be issued for competitions that take place on public roads.

As experts note, the development of new license plates can significantly simplify the life of motorists, especially residents of the Far East, where there is a large Japanese cars with non-format seats under the license plate. The development of new license plates was previously followed in Belarus and other CIS countries, experts say. At the same time, in their opinion, the process of modernizing GOST itself will be quite lengthy.

Please note that sketches of new license plates have already been submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They were developed by the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF). Rosstandart, in turn, confirmed that the revision of GOST-50577 is scheduled for 2017. It is planned to begin public discussion of the first edition of the standard in the fall of next year, and the final edition should be prepared by May 2018.

The Russian branch of Harley-Davidson welcomed the creation of new license plates, noting that the mounts for the license plate differ in various models, and therefore we have to solve this problem individually.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee classic cars RAF Petr Shlyakhin also positively assessed the upcoming innovations, noting that providing owners of vintage cars with license plates is a positive thing, since now they pay full transport tax, but can only take their cars onto the roads a few times a year. As a result, he notes, collectors prefer not to register cars at all.

Finally it came to idiots...

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing a revision of the current GOSTs, as a result of which new car and motorcycle license plates may appear in the country, writes Kommersant.

According to the head of the Research Center for Road Safety Problems (SRC Road Traffic Safety Research Center) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oleg Portashnikov, the development of a new edition of the state standard for license plates is necessary due to a number of accumulated problems. For example, most of the motorcycles sold in Russia are foreign-made, in which the platform for the rear number plate installed at the factory is smaller in size than the Russian plate. In the new edition of GOST, it is planned to revise the dimensions of the rear motorcycle license plate so that it meets Western standards.

In addition, the Research Center believes that GOST should be revised for passenger cars as well. As noted, in Russia there are still many foreign cars with non-standard places for attaching signs. The standard holes on the platforms sometimes do not match the holes on the numbers. Car owners do not have the right to drill additional holes in the license plate, as there is a fine of 500 rubles for this. For the convenience of Russians, the Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to allow holes to be made in the license plate, but in certain places. It is also possible that rectangular rear license plates will appear as standard for the standard fastenings of foreign cars.

In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering an option in which it is possible to adopt Western experience in identifying vintage cars. In some countries, the owners of such cars are issued special license plates that give the owner the right to operate the vehicle subject to certain conditions: only on weekends, away from highways, at a certain distance from the owner’s place of residence, etc. The situation is absolutely the same with sports cars. For them it is also necessary to introduce a special type of state signs and special conditions of use.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing a new standard for Russian license plates

04:03 Artem Filipenok

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing to revise the standard for car and motorcycle license plates, which has been in force since 1993.
As the Kommersant newspaper reports, the Research Center for Road Safety Problems (SRC Road Traffic Safety Research Center) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is developing a new edition of the state standard for license plates. As the head of the center, Oleg Portashnikov, explained to the publication, the authorities will thereby try to resolve the accumulated problems.

In particular, we are talking about revising the standard for Japanese and American cars. Currently, the standard holes for attaching license plates do not comply with GOST, and making holes independently threatens motorists with a fine of 500 rubles. The new edition will allow making holes in certain places. It is also possible that rectangular rear license plates will appear as standard for the standard fastenings of foreign cars.

Changes may also affect motorcycles. Mainly sold in Russia foreign motorcycles, and the area for the rear number is smaller than the domestic sign. As a result, owners have to install frame adapters. However, the number on them may bend or come off in the wind. In the new edition of GOST, it is planned to revise the dimensions of the rear motorcycle license plate so that it meets Western standards.

More details on RBC.

The head of the Center for Road Safety Problems (SRC Road Traffic Safety Research Center) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oleg Portashnikov, told the Kommersant publication about the upcoming large-scale reform of automobile and motorcycle registration plates. The previous GOST is already outdated, which creates a number of inconveniences for vehicle owners.

This is especially true for motor vehicles, most of which foreign production. The area for the rear number, installed by the manufacturer, is smaller in size than the Russian sign (245 by 160 mm), as a result it is necessary to use adapter frames, which are not reliable enough and can be torn off by the air flow. Many bikers, when attaching a license plate, do not use adapters at all, but simply bend the edges of the license plate, which is a violation. The new GOST plans to revise the dimensions of a motorcycle license plate so that it meets Western standards.

The same applies to Japanese and American cars with non-standard places for attaching signs. The standard holes on the plates sometimes do not coincide with the holes on the license plates, and drilling additional holes in the license plate is not allowed; this is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles. The standards should be revised to allow holes to be made in certain areas of license plates. The issue of introducing rectangular rear license plates as standard for the standard mountings of a number of foreign cars is also being considered.

For vintage cars, they offer, as in some other countries, to issue their own registration numbers. Owners of such cars will have to comply with a number of conditions: drive only on weekends, away from expressways, at a certain distance from the owner’s place of residence, etc. The same applies to cars for competitions, for which certain signs and special conditions of use should also be introduced.

New license plates have already been developed in the Russian Automobile Federation, and the press service of Rosstandart confirmed that the revision of GOST-50577 is included in the standardization plan for 2017.

License plates for regional traffic police departments are purchased approximately once a year by the Center special purpose in the field of traffic safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The last few tenders (separately for each federal district) took place in the summer of 2016. For example, in the Central Federal District the competition was won by the capital's JSC Znak, and in the Northwestern Federal District - by LLC Printing House No. 2.

Za Rulem.RF asked whether cargo carriers have problems installing license plates? Maxim Bochkov, Purchasing Director transport services FM Logistic responded that such a problem as the impossibility of securing a state sign freight transport No. The main thing is to firmly fix the number during installation on the prepared frame and revise it when releasing the car onto the line. He believes that the innovation will be viewed in business as irrational, with additional costs at the expense of vehicle owners. If we further analyze the costs, they may also affect the costs of video recording equipment (setting up equipment or replacing it), which is already pre-configured to the current standard of state signs.

SergeyYanchuk, General Director of Advance-Auto, AutoSpetsCenter Group of Companies: “New cars sold through dealerships, have standard sizes areas for numbers. As for the “Japanese” and “American” cars imported privately by car owners, there are now fewer and fewer such cars on Russian roads. However, you shouldn’t forget about them anyway. In my opinion, the introduction of new license plate sizes is a useful initiative, since there will be no need to install additional mounts on cars. In addition, the reliability of any additional structures is far from 100% and raises the risk of losing license plates. The same goes for motorcycles.”

  • While the city authorities are expanding the zone paid parking in the city, some car owners have found a way not to pay for parking near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: they simply rent license plates from cars.
  • Last fall, the work of the traffic police department in Zelenograd was paralyzed by dealers who learned about the arrival of a beautiful series of VOR license plates in the 777th region.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS


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