I haven't changed the oil for a long time. If you don't change the engine oil for a long time. When timely replacement is especially necessary

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That is why, in order to extend its service life, every car should be regularly tested. Maintenance. But what exactly happens first if you don't change the oil on time? We offer a detailed video where its author shows us what happens to the gaskets and seals of an engine in which it is rare.

Regularly changing the engine oil is, of course, indisputable. But, unfortunately, many car owners neglect this, increasing service intervals for replacement motor oil. Although in many cases the engine oil change intervals need to be reduced, for example, if the car is most often operated in urban mode (driving from traffic light to traffic light, traffic jams, low average speeds, etc.).

The fact is that in an urban environment the engine operates in a mode in which the properties of the oil may be lost before the period recommended by the car manufacturer. Among other things, you also need to take into account the engine hours that the engine generates at Idling(warming up, sitting idle in a traffic jam, etc.). Accordingly, if you lose chemical properties Engine oil cannot effectively lubricate internal components power unit.

As a result, the engine may experience accelerated natural wear of internal parts. First of all, .

Here's a look at the footage from the video in which the auto repairman shows us what happened to the gasket valve cover and oil seals of an engine in which the engine oil was rarely changed. Notice how fragile the rubber seals have become. As an example, a car mechanic took a 3.5-liter engine from an Acura RL Legenda:

Over time, this caused many of the internal gaskets and seals inside the engine to become damaged, resulting in many oil leaks. In the video, the master draws attention to this, showing us what the space under the engine looks like ( everything is in motor oil).

Due to the loss of flexibility, all gaskets become very fragile and, naturally, can no longer ensure the tightness of the engine. Including many seals lose their working dimensions and simply begin to leak oil. As a result, a massive leak of engine oil begins.

How often does the engine oil need to be changed?

There are many opinions regarding the engine oil change interval. But it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since, as we have already said, everything depends on the brand, model, engine type and, of course, on the driving style, operating conditions of the car, etc.

For example, the author of this video changes engine oil every 5,000 miles, which in terms of mileage is 8,000 kilometers. And this takes into account the fact that motor oil and fuel in the West are probably of higher quality than in Russia.

So in Russia it is also advisable to change the oil every 8000-10000 km (if not earlier). But not every 15,000 km, as many modern car manufacturers recommend today. At this oil change interval, we think you'll only accelerate wear and tear on your engine's internal components.

True, if you use expensive synthetic motor oil with properties for large service interval, then you can expand planned replacement liquid up to every 10,000-12,000 kilometers.

In addition to timely replacement of engine oil, it is necessary to regularly check the engine oil level and, if there is a shortage, add oil to the “max” mark on the dipstick.

Only regular oil changes and checking its level will ensure long-term engine operation. And, of course, be careful when purchasing motor oil to avoid purchasing counterfeit low-quality fluid that can damage your power unit. You can read how to reduce risks when buying oil here.

In the section on the question: if you don’t change the engine oil for a long time, what will really happen? given by the author Maxim Lisitsyn the best answer is Well, let's start from far away! When the engine is running, parts rub, rings, piston and cylinder.... I think you know! During friction, chips are formed...! now what does the oil do? Well, so as not to fool your head with formulas, I’ll explain it simply! the oil has a viscosity of 15w40, etc.! I know? When the engine is running, the oil removes carbon deposits that form on the cylinder walls (this is why when you change the oil it is black), removes chips (the chips settle in the crankcase and on the oil filter) if the oil is not changed on time, then!
1) the oil changes its viscosity
2) at a low viscosity level, the oil begins to seep through the seals (it can even push them out), so it is recommended to pour synthetic or mineral water on cars older than five years
3) oil removes carbon deposits less effectively, which leads to damage to candles
4 oil does not remove chips well, which leads to wear of parts..

Answer from Good neighborliness[guru]
Actually, a young lady in a Niva Chevy came to the service center with me - the engine started to smoke - think about it, she bought the car and for 40 thousand she never changed the oil and filters - they did a thorough overhaul of the engine

Answer from chevron[guru]
If you don’t change it for a very long time, then you have to be very rich, you’ll kill the engine!

Answer from Ask[guru]
An acquaintance did not change 40 thousand on the new Peugeot and says everything is OK.

Answer from YSYA 174 RUS[guru]
someday it will come to an end,
in one word he will grunt

Answer from Andrey Turgenev[guru]
A modern forced engine will not forgive this. And my deceased neighbor worked for a GAZ-53, so he and the drivers agreed not to change the oil until capital and competed to see who could last longer without capital. He said that they managed to run normally, just like those who changed the oil regularly.

Answer from Car service in St. Petersburg[guru]
There will be a major overhaul

Answer from Alexey Borodin[master]
then change it together in the engine

Answer from Nihrenas Mamafiga[guru]
The sandwich will be ruined!!!

Answer from Evgeniy (48 rus)[guru]

Answer from Yoman[active]
The oil pump will become clogged with dirt.
that's all.

Answer from Evgeniy Agafonov[guru]
Oil loses its lubricating properties over time. During engine operation, wear particles accumulate in it. And this can lead to premature engine wear. Its motor life will decrease. It is cheaper to change the oil than to rebuild the engine.

Answer from Petrov Oleg[newbie]
wear of parts will increase, which will lead to premature failure of the internal combustion engine; repairs will be expensive

Answer from Kisuni[guru]
There is a dipstick - check the oil every week on a paper napkin. If the oil is black and stinks, change it if you love your car and are afraid of running into very expensive engine repairs.
It will suck! If you don't change it. Why tempt fate and listen to those who don’t change? ! Do you want to eat something every day?

In fact, even if you double the engine oil change period, nothing too bad will happen to it. There are plenty of stories about how particularly stubborn car owners drove 100,000 or more kilometers and the car did not drive. At the same time, the engine oil turned into a dirty brown “cream”, but the car, we repeat, continued to drive.

Let's make a reservation, however, that in such cases we were talking about old gasoline naturally aspirated engines, known for their endurance. With modern powerful small-volume turbocharged engines, such a trick is unlikely to work. At least not about any such experiments on this moment we didn't have to hear.

Let us remind you that the main functions of a motor engine are as follows: reducing friction, removing heat, protecting the internal surfaces of the engine from corrosion, removing carbon deposits and other deposits, removing wear products in rubbing parts. What happens when, that is, it loses most of its original properties? First of all, its ability to lubricate rubbing parts deteriorates. This results in increased friction between moving parts. Because of this, the load on engine components increases, increasing the likelihood of physical failure. Increased friction means overheating and increased fuel consumption.


Over time, the oil begins to thicken and dissipate heat less well. This also leads to overheating of the motor. In especially advanced cases, the engine is so strong that it can squeeze out oil seals and seals. A “hole” of this kind can lead to lubricant leakage, oil starvation of the engine and its fatal consequences for this reason. The package of additives initially contained in the oil is not endless.

Sooner or later, the portion of substances and compounds included in it will dry up and all sorts of unpleasant chemistry arising during the combustion process of fuel will begin to settle with impunity both in the combustion chamber and in the channels, clogging them and further worsening lubrication conditions.

The increased friction mentioned above will cause accelerated wear of the metal and the appearance of additional chips in the oil. For some time oil filter will cope with catching them, but in the end its resource will also run out and the chips will begin to walk unhindered and in ever-increasing volumes, acting as an abrasive and exacerbating the scale of wear in the rubbing pairs. In the end, if you don't change the oil in the engine, it will simply seize. And what more modern engine, the sooner this moment will come for him.

Read more about the problems of choosing oil, changing it, saving and other nuances of use lubricants, You can find out

How often should you change the engine oil?

Changing the oil is an important part of car operation. The lifespan of the car depends on how often it changes.

But this is ideal; in fact, a lot depends on various components: the quality of the oil, gasoline, type of petroleum product, etc.

Let's try to identify the optimal component of how many kilometers to change the engine oil.

Basic moments

Many experts do not give a clear answer on how often to replace. There is probably no universal answer to this.

However, they are also not ideal, but on the contrary, they are close to the conditions of the producing country and may not be suitable in the purchasing country. In addition, they depend on the mileage of the car.

It is necessary to take into account such a moment that the oil works when movement is carried out, accordingly, you have driven more, change it more often.

But even when the car is not used, but is idle, then oxidation occurs and the viscosity of the oil product changes.

Consequently, deposits appear from contact with mechanisms. Therefore, when the question arises of how many thousand to change the engine oil, it makes sense to understand what engine oil is.

What you need to know

The main raw material for the production of motor oils is petroleum with the use of additives. This oil can be used to operate various metal mechanisms, which basically make up a modern car.

After distillation of oil and separation of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, the residues, in the form of fuel oil, go to special device– a vacuum tube, where oils and tar are obtained from it.

  1. High cleaning qualities, so that engine parts do not become dirty and self-clean.
  2. Thermal stability, which makes it possible to use the oil as a piston cooler.
  3. High viscosity, oxidation resistance, ability to block the action of acids formed during fuel combustion.
  4. Oil should not be a source of corrosion to metal engine parts.
  5. It should have as long a service life as possible.
  6. Resistance to extreme negative temperatures.
  7. Should not foam.
  8. Environmentally friendly.

This is a fairly high degree of requirements for modern motor oil obtained from mineral raw materials.

All these characteristics are quite difficult to obtain using only mineral oil. Perhaps only the last indicator is quite achievable.


Replacing the motor oils and oil filter in engine important procedure. But is it really that scary? change its rare...

When to change the oil? Every 16,000 km or 8,500 km? (H-Auto)

Motor oils(Ukraine): …

However, the motor heats up, cools down, gets into extreme external temperature conditions. Mineral oil does not always withstand such changes.

As a result, it was created synthetic oil. It and its derivatives are most adapted to modern conditions.

It is based on the same oil, more precisely ethylene. Options for its production from oil or natural gas. Next, ethylene is converted through a complex chain of chemical reactions into synthetic oil.

It has a significant advantage over mineral oil - high viscosity.

This property is maintained at low and high temperatures. The petroleum product is slightly oxidized, it does not need to be changed as often, it is more resistant to other influences.

Types of oils

Manufacturers now offer a lot of oils. Mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic. It is very important what additives are used in their production.

The properties of this product depend on this. The average consumer cannot determine the subtleties of using additives.

Therefore, you need to focus on manufacturers or their brands:

The listed types of oils, which are mainly semi-synthetic or synthetic, are more acceptable for passenger cars.

Whereas in diesel engine The most suitable mineral oil is Castrol GTX 15W-40 A3/B3.

It is more suitable for operation in conditions where the engine often stops, is subject to overheating, and also at low temperatures.

After how many kilometers should the engine oil be changed?

After considering the technology for creating oils and their technical characteristics this question becomes extremely relevant.

It is difficult to choose a standard oil change scheme. It depends on many factors, including the quality of the selected petroleum product.

But when it is better to change it can be suggested by the factual side. In other words, you need to take into account the factors influencing the oil change.

What factors influence

These include the conditions in which the car is located, what external features appear in its content and how it is exploited.

Here we can highlight the following:

If all these factors are taken into account when selecting oil, then long-term engine operation and high wear resistance are possible.

Based on the listed requirements, we will try to select general recommendations For domestic cars running on a gasoline engine.

The most used among compatriots:

If measured in engine hours

Engine hours are a rather illusory constant. This is the amount of time the engine is running. Roughly speaking, how the engine worked for an hour, but still this is not an entirely correct definition of this term.

Because this is the operating time of a specific part of the engine - the crankshaft, i.e. its revolutions for an hour, which are recorded by the tachometer.

These revolutions depend on mileage, speed and frequency of stops. From here, the calculation of oil takes on a slightly different color.

Video: when to change the oil

When timely replacement is especially necessary

Situations when the oil needs to be changed more often:

All this indicates the need to change the engine oil much earlier than expected. It's difficult to avoid this modern conditions operation of the vehicle. ,

What happens if you leave the scene of an accident without noticing, read here.

Where to complain about insurance company Rosgosstrakh, see here.

That's why experienced car enthusiasts It is recommended to change the oil more often. This will increase the service life of the machine.

Motor oil is divided into mineral and synthetic. The main product from which it is made is the same - hydrocarbons, but a lot depends on the method of their production.

Today, various forms of synthetic oil are considered the most profitable.

The frequency of oil product changes depends on a number of factors such as car engines, fuel quality, operating conditions, outside temperatures, quality of the oil itself.

But we still have to agree that it is necessary to change the lubricant and flush the engine more often.

Without engine oil, the correct operation of the power unit is impossible, which is due to friction processes occurring inside the engine, causing heating of the parts. Lubrication helps soften contacts between elements and reduces load on the engine. Not timely replacement engine composition can lead to undesirable consequences: failure and the purchase of expensive parts or even an internal combustion engine. It is necessary to understand why it is necessary to change the engine fluid and what will happen if you do not change the engine oil.

Why does an engine need oil?

It is like oxygen for a person and without it, engine operation is impossible. Modern manufacturers offer this type consumables made on a mineral or synthetic basis. This composition implies constant improvement of the characteristics of fuels and lubricants and an increase in their service life: manufacturers constantly keep their finger on the pulse of the market. In addition to its main function - reducing friction, oil:

  1. Cleans the engine from carbon deposits and deposits. That is, by removing all impurities, it accumulates them within itself. Accordingly, during subsequent replacement of fuel and lubricants, all combustion products are removed.
  2. Protects against the development of corrosion. Oils contain additives and additives that can prevent the occurrence of corrosion processes or oxidation of parts that work inside the engine under severe conditions: they are subjected to heavy loads and heat, which can support the development of corrosion.
  3. Protects against oxidation: special additives also make their contribution here.
  4. Removes heat: this function is also performed by elements such as a radiator or coolant. But the difference in this case is that the oil washes the places where a lot of friction occurs. In addition, in some modern cars install oil coolers to increase the efficiency of heat removal.

It is worth noting that after the car has not been used for a long time, all the available oil begins to accumulate in the crankcase. Consequently, when starting the engine, it will work without lubrication until the pump runs working fluid across all channels.

In addition, there are also special features regarding vehicles with automatic transmissions transmission Certain cars have some peculiarity, as a result of which the circulation of engine fluid begins only after the selector has been switched to “drive” mode.

What happens to the engine if you don't change the oil on time?

In progress long-term operation the lubricant begins to age and becomes not an auxiliary and protective liquid, but rather destructive and damaging to engine elements.

Used oil accumulates combustion products, pollution, and deposits. If it is not changed, the engine's operating efficiency will begin to decline. This can lead to breakdowns in the cylinder-piston group, which can lead to costly repairs.

When changing the oil, do not forget about. Typically, these elements are replaced at the same time. If you change only one oil and leave the dirty filter, there will be no benefit, because it will again make the lubricant unsuitable for further use.

Let us highlight the main problems that may arise when the engine runs on old oil:

  1. It ceases to perform its basic functions, which increases the load on the moving elements of the engine. This leads to a deterioration in the technical characteristics of the car. In the most severe cases, ignoring an oil change can lead to the appearance of “scuffing” and other malfunctions of the cylinder-piston group - for example, falling, and as a result - major renovation.
  2. Poor heat dissipation. The engine will begin to overheat frequently. This will force the engine to work in extremely difficult conditions, which will become a problem over time rapid wear the insides of the power unit.
  3. Deterioration of protective properties. As is known, in addition to its “lubricating” properties, oil also protects the internal surfaces of the engine from the development of corrosive processes. Accordingly, used oil does not fulfill its protective functions, and the occurrence of corrosion inside the power unit will not lead to anything good.
  4. Old oil accumulates all the deposits and combustion products, which, together with this oil, begin to spread through the channels of the power unit. Such consequences usually lead to premature expenses.

How often should you change the oil?

Disputes often arise among car enthusiasts about what the oil change interval should be. Some believe that you need to adhere to the regulations and do this once every 10-15 thousand kilometers. More experienced people believe that the procedure should be done earlier. As practice shows, this issue is very individual for each owner and brand of car. Available great amount factors on which the frequency of replacement depends:

  • the condition of the vehicle and its operating conditions;
  • driving style;
  • quality of consumables.

How long can you go without changing the engine oil?

If a car owner, due to his forgetfulness or inattention, is two to three thousand kilometers overdue for replacing the engine fluid, this will not lead to dire consequences. In this case, it is necessary to do this as soon as possible, and then repairs will be avoided.

When, after the recommended period for replacing the lubricant, the car has driven more than 5 thousand km, the car may begin to consume large quantity fuel and will significantly lose power and overheat. And if a characteristic knocking noise is heard during engine operation, then this is a very bad “call” for the owner. Its appearance indicates a malfunction of the cylinder-piston group. Repairing pistons, connecting rods and cylinder boring will cost the owner a hefty sum.

What does used oil look like?

Material that has served its useful life accumulates combustion products, deposits, and soot. This composition acquires dark color and becomes less viscous. Its color can be compared to dirty fuel oil. In addition, we should not forget about the environment. Waste material poses a great danger to environment. That is why it is very important to dispose of it correctly.

To summarize, we can say that to ensure long term Car service must adhere to the manufacturer's recommended oil change intervals. In addition, it is worth recalling that if the machine is not used for a long time, this may have a detrimental effect on its performance in the future. It is necessary to start the car engine at least occasionally, even if you are not going to drive anywhere.


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