What to do if the Check engine light comes on. Explanation of icons on the dashboard Engine sensor is on

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The engine is the heart of the car, and the performance of the car depends on the condition it is in. The engine does not always work perfectly, for which there are many reasons, both operational and technical. But today there are powerful systems diagnostics that allow you to anticipate breakdowns and identify the weak link. Let's talk about what to do if the light comes on and how to repair it.

General information

Not every motorist encounters engine repairs. If you operate the machine as the manufacturer requires, then it is unlikely that any problems will arise. But not changing the oil on time and not undergoing maintenance can lead to the most dire consequences. As a result, this will result in best case scenario V minor repairs, and at worst - capital. In any case, if the engine fault light comes on, this is a clear signal that it’s time to go to the “doctor”, in our case for service.

So, there may be a lot of reasons why the engine needed repairs. But in most cases, the matter is due to increased wear, which contributes to a decrease in power and an increase in fuel consumption. But we will talk specifically about this moment a little later. The key point is that the repair diesel engines and gasoline ones are different. This needs to be understood, because just because you have experience working with a diesel engine, this does not mean that a gasoline engine is restored in exactly the same way. Although the motors work on the same principle, they have several design differences. All this means that before starting repairs, you need to understand the design a little and understand how everything works. After this, it is advisable to start looking for the defect that led to this or that breakdown. All these points will be described in this article. But we will start with the most important and simplest.


In most cases, it all starts with the driver not meeting basic requirements. For normal operation Any motor, no matter whether it is domestically produced or not, requires constant lubrication. To do this, we fill in a certain amount of oil, which needs to be changed periodically. In progress internal combustion engine operation it lubricates pistons and other rubbing parts, thereby reducing friction, increasing performance and reducing wear. But over time, the oil becomes contaminated and ceases to fulfill its main purpose. This leads to the fact that the rubbing surfaces are subject to increased wear. As a result, the engine may seize, and there is no way around it without major repairs. In any case, you need to monitor the condition of the oil.

Most manufacturers recommend changing engine oil once a season or every 8-10 thousand kilometers. But another typical mistake is that the wrong quality oil is poured. This also does not lead to anything good. You will be lucky if you notice a knocking noise in the engine in time and seek help. The oil will be drained, the engine will be washed and a new one will be filled in. After which they will conduct adjustment work, and you can drive again. However, it is not just oil that causes problems. For example, repair of diesel engines may be required due to increased wear of engine parts, burnout of pistons, etc. The mode of operation of the vehicle plays an important role here.

The main causes of malfunction of gasoline and diesel engines

As noted above, a huge number of factors affect the life of an internal combustion engine. Among the main ones are dust and dirt, which can enter directly into the engine through the filter element. Eg, diesel engines very sensitive to fuel quality. Impurities such as water and sulfur lead to corrosion of injectors and pumps, ultimately affecting fuel delivery. The driving mode, constant braking and acceleration, stopping and overtaking are also of great importance. If the motor operates in one mode for a long time, then it will run an order of magnitude longer. But the most important factor reducing engine life is poor quality service at service stations. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to identify this, since immediately after the repair everything seems to be fine, the first problems occur after several thousand kilometers.

If there is an engine malfunction, then something needs to be done, and every driver understands this. But what to do in this case and where to look for a breakdown? Perhaps we are dealing with motor overheating, or maybe something happened to the quality fuel-air mixture. In general, you can look for a problem for quite a long time. But there are a number of signs that can help us with this. In this article we will look at the main ones and find out how to fix the most common problems with your own hands.

Not enough lubrication

The so-called “oil starvation” is the main cause of engine failure. Almost all cases are related to the fact that there is insufficient pressure in the system or no pressure at all. After just a few seconds of engine operation without lubrication, the sliding bearings heat up, then the anti-friction layer of the liners melts. The most favorable outcome in this case is to stop the motor, that is, to jam it. If the liners in the beds do not rotate, then the connecting rods and crankshaft do not receive significant damage. If you try to turn the crankshaft with a lever or a pusher, it will only get worse, you need to understand this. Even if the engine is successfully restored, “oil starvation” will affect itself a little later.

Often, in sub-zero temperatures, drivers have difficulty starting the engine. This happens largely due to an increase in oil viscosity. This is especially true for mineral compounds. Synthetics perform better both at low and high temperatures. As for diagnosing such a malfunction (“oil starvation”), to do this it is necessary to check its level using a dipstick. This is done “cold”, that is, the car should not start for some time. In addition, the Mercedes, VAZ and any other engine has a corresponding sensor, which, if there is insufficient pressure, lights up dashboard.

and everything connected with it

The motor can fail due to overheating for several reasons. Often the problem lies in a malfunction of the cooling system, which ceases to perform its task at full capacity. But, in addition to this, depressurization of the block head also leads to such a negative effect as overheating. As for the cooling system, cracks in the hoses and holes in the radiator lead to antifreeze leaks. Often such cases do not arise immediately, but after long-term operation car. Rubber is prone to aging, and metal is prone to corrosion. So it turns out that if you don’t periodically check the cooling system, then trouble can happen. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have a Volkswagen or a Porsche engine, without good cooling it won’t work, and if it does, it won’t work for long.

Interestingly, a clear sign of a malfunctioning cooling system is the lack of heat in the cabin at winter time of the year. True, the pipes may be clogged or the radiator heater may be broken. As for the leakage of the system, this leads to a significant decrease in the temperature at which the coolant boils. Eventually, lack of cooling leads to overheating. There are two options: either the automation will work, which simply will not allow the engine to continue working, or serious repairs will be required. For example, a Volkswagen engine operates at relatively low temperatures, and Mercedes engines - at a higher one. Therefore, the maximum permissible temperature for them is also different.

Incorrect fuel selected

We have already figured out a little about engine malfunctions. As it turns out, often the driver himself is to blame, but this is not 100% of cases. In some situations, the blame lies on the shoulders of service station employees. But it also happens that it is quite difficult to determine the culprit. A striking example of this is the insufficient quality of fuel. Why it has a low octane number is a separate conversation. In spark-ignition engines, this leads to detonation, which is not good, and this is a fact.

If VAZ engines allow you to manually adjust the advance angle and, therefore, use low fuel octane number, That modern internal combustion engines, in particular foreign production, do not have such an opportunity. A striking example of this is the Nissan, Volvo, etc. engines. Another interesting point is that many drivers use to start the engine in severe frost. This particularly applies to diesel engines. This should not be done, as the piston group can easily be damaged.

Main engine malfunctions: water hammer in the cylinder

The key reason for water hammer is the entry of various liquids into the cylinders. For example, water getting into the air filter suction pipe. The liquid can easily reach the cylinders. For this simple reason, it makes sense to say that some car models are more prone to water hammer and others less so, since the body structure and location of the suction pipe are different for everyone. So, identifying such a malfunction is quite simple. Firstly, this is a sudden stop of the engine. This happens for the following reason. Water enters the cylinder, namely the combustion chamber. There the piston rests against it, and since the substance is non-combustible, the pressure increases sharply, deformation of the connecting rod occurs and full stop motor.

In general, there are many reasons for water hammer. But this is always the ingress of some liquid into the cylinders. It could be oil from a broken turbocharger or something like that. Oddly enough, but repairing a Mercedes, Audi, or any other engine in this case is very problematic. In some cases, the piston group is completely destroyed.

The engine fault light is on: diagnosing the problem by appearance

Hardly a newbie looking into engine compartment car, will understand that it is the engine that has failed, even if it is obvious signs. But an experienced specialist can easily identify the problem through a visual inspection. The main signs indicating a malfunction of the internal combustion engine: extraneous sounds, color and composition, oil consumption, etc. But even here there are a number of problems. The fact is that special algorithms are used to determine the malfunction. They are used by experienced specialists. But here you need to be careful, since not all motors have a classic design. For example, Nissan and VAZ engines are very different from each other, and with the same signs of failure, the fault may be hidden in different places.

In most cases, it is necessary to look not for the consequence of a breakdown, but for its cause. At the same time, visual diagnostics do not provide such an opportunity. For example, the master came to the conclusion that repair of the Mercedes engine is necessary due to knocking of the connecting rod bearings. Most likely, a decision will be made to change them due to poor condition. But the problem may not only be the bearings, but also a broken oil pump. In general, the method is good and simple, but not always reliable.

Troubleshooting the mechanical part of the engine

We can safely say that troubleshooting is currently underway. a huge amount ways. Eat mechanical part motor and electronic systems. So, in the first case, you need an experienced specialist who is well versed in internal combustion engines, and in the second, diagnostic equipment.

As for the mechanical part, VAZ engine malfunctions are often determined by the technician by ear. True, this is not entirely exact way, but in most cases very effective. Any modern diagnostic method cannot provide complete information about the condition of the motor, just like the visual inspection method.

Many people do not understand that the sensors of a VAZ, or any other car, are needed for a reason. They show pressure, temperature and provide other useful information. If the oil light comes on, this indicates an insufficient amount of oil or lack of pressure in the system. There are various engine sensors, and all of them are necessary. However, sometimes you still need to disassemble the motor and look for the problem yourself. The simplest and cheapest method is to check the cylinder compression. There is nothing complicated in these works. Take a pressure gauge with a special connector and screw it in instead of a spark plug or glow plug. An excellent method, but such important factors as mileage and the presence of marks on the cylinders are often missed. All this can confuse an inexperienced repairman. The methods for measuring cylinder compression on diesel and gasoline engines are different. The first ones have a minimum mark. If the pressure drops below a certain level, then we can judge that the cylinders are clearly faulty.


As you can see, the reason for the engine fault light to come on is not always quickly and easily determined. Often, the attention of an experienced specialist and the availability of diagnostic equipment are required. But even so, at times it is difficult to get a complete picture of events. As a rule, any serious breakdown requires complete or partial disassembly of the motor. As a result, the repairman ends up with a failed part or an entire assembly in his hands. But often even visible defects do not allow us to determine the malfunction with 100% accuracy.

A very important and responsible component is the engine control system. We are talking, as you may have guessed, about fuel injection and ignition. To diagnose these systems on modern cars you need to use powerful stands and If we are talking about an old “six” or “penny”, then the diagnostics look a little different. All work is performed without any electronic equipment. Sometimes you have a very ordinary voltmeter in your hands. Nevertheless, the simplicity of the design and the extensive experience of the craftsmen make it possible to find faults with great accuracy, eliminate them and perform fuel injection.

The engines of Mercedes, Nissan, Audi and others have a very complex design. That is why their repairs are often very expensive. If you do this yourself, then use only those oils recommended by the manufacturer, original parts and follow the operating instructions. Any motor is very durable and reliable even under the most extreme conditions operation, but over time the parts wear out and operation becomes unstable. This is why timely diagnosis and repair are so important. Now you know what to do if the check engine light comes on.

If it caught fire" Check Engine"...
Many car owners know that modern cars There is a yellow "check engine" light on the instrument panel - which means "check the engine". It signals that the control unit has detected some kind of malfunction.
When you start your car, it is normal for the light to come on and then go off immediately after starting. But if the light bulb starts to bother you while driving, this is the first signal to action.
This signal is the most confusing, as it can mean many different things: from the loss of the gas cap to serious problems with the engine.

Many drivers encountered a similar problem while driving and did not know what to do. Of course you shouldn't given signal Park on the side of the road and call for help from an oncoming truck. The most simple solution is, of course, calling for service. However, let's try to figure out what this signal could mean?

Since the early eighties, cars began to be equipped with microcomputers, which initially controlled carburetors, and then their use expanded significantly. Now control units control not only the composition of the mixture, but also engine speed, ignition timing, and many other parameters right up to the moment of gear shifting. automatic transmissions. Thus, there can be quite a lot of reasons.

If you are the owner of a new car and your engine light comes on, while the car is functioning normally, then most likely this is due to a misfire in one of the spark plugs. This malfunction is very common in Ukraine, since the quality of gasoline leaves much to be desired.

So, recently a friend called me and said that on his new Hyundai Accent The check engine light came on. I assumed that this might be due to a misfire since it only puts in 95 gas. As you know, we use this “high-octane” fuel.

Obtained from 92 by adding additives containing lead and manganese. Next, we unscrewed the spark plugs, and all my assumptions were confirmed: there was a uniform red soot on the spark plugs, which indicates manganese. The recommendation was the simplest - change the spark plugs and do not fill with 95 gasoline. By the way, the car has only covered 8,500 thousand kilometers, and replacement of spark plugs is only provided for at 20 thousand. After replacing the spark plugs, the light went out safely and no longer bothered me with its yellow light.

The above story is the simplest case in which the problem is eliminated, as they say, “with little bloodshed.”
Other cases turn out to be more complicated: a “dead” catalyst, a loose timing belt, clogged injectors. Very rarely - the control unit itself, since this is a very expensive unit, and it is made with a large safety factor.
If visual inspection, like unscrewing the spark plugs, did not give results, the surest method would be to contact the service center. Any electrician, having connected the diagnostic connector to the control unit, will indicate a malfunction within a few minutes. In this sense, electronic units are very convenient, since they themselves indicate a breakdown, and there is no need to disassemble the floor of the car in search of it.

What to do if such a malfunction occurs? If possible, stop immediately, then check the oil level. Listen to see if the engine makes any noise. extraneous sounds, is there any visual damage? If everything is normal, drive to the nearest service center without giving the engine high speeds.

Many people ask what to do if the panel check engine light came on? Most drivers have at least once heard of such a thing as a “check” or Check Engine. But some people encounter it literally every day, while others, perhaps, have never seen it.

Check Engine or "check" literally translated, it means “Check Engine.” This is just an OBD-2 warning light installed on the dashboard of most modern cars. It looks different, but most often in the form of a symbolic image of a yellow engine.

This lamp is connected to the engine electronic control unit (ECU), and lights up when information about any error or malfunction appears in the ECU. At working car lamp "Check Engine" should light up when the ignition is turned on, but go out after the engine starts. If, after starting the engine, the lamp blinks or is constantly on, then there is some kind of malfunction. And in modern cars "Check Engine" can turn on not only if there is a malfunction of the engine systems, but also of the automatic transmission control systems, electronic systems security, etc.

What to do if the check light comes on when starting the engine?

For starters, don't panic. In most cases "check" lights up due to non-critical problems, for example, due to refueling low-quality fuel or single misfires in one of the engine cylinders.

But you shouldn’t relax either.

To begin, stop the car and turn off the engine. Open the hood and check the engine oil level. Visually inspect the integrity of all systems and elements under the hood, check for breaks in the wires going to the engine sensors. If the fault cannot be found, disconnect the battery from the vehicle's network for 10 minutes.

Then turn it on and try to start the car. If Check Engine is still on, you need to get to the nearest service station, where you can scan the ECU for errors and see what is the reason for the lamp to light up.

Don’t follow the example of people who walk around with a burning lamp for months "Check Engine", according to the principle “it’s fine.” Yes, in most cases, even with the lamp on, the car remains on the move, but at the same time its systems operate in backup mode.

At best, this will lead to an increase in fuel consumption, a drop in power, etc. In the worst case, it will lead to repairs. For example, if the lamp "Check Engine" burns due to misfire of a faulty spark plug, then soon, if the ECU does not turn off the fuel supply to this cylinder, this may lead to unburned gasoline and its vapors damaging the catalyst, which will lead to expensive repairs.

Therefore, if you check light came on, do not delay diagnosis. It costs on average 500-1000 rubles.

In addition, there are now inexpensive USB and Bluetooth adapters on sale, with which you can easily carry out such diagnostics yourself.

Many of us have encountered such a problem as turning on the engine icon (Check engine...), the appearance of which frightens car drivers. We offer you the 5 most common reasons why the check engine light comes on on the dashboard.

The engine warning light usually appears without warning. The reason for the appearance of the Check engine cannot be immediately understood. Even if the car has auto diagnostics (for example, in cars such as ,), which scans all car systems for errors and, if any, displays a decryption on the information panel, the reasons for the appearance of the check engine light will not be decrypted.

For most drivers, the appearance of this warning icon on the dashboard means the need to urgently go to an auto repair shop to diagnose and eliminate the reason why the "Check Engine" warning sign appeared. But in fact, in most cases, when the “Check” indication appears, it is possible, and in some cases, perhaps, to eliminate the cause yourself without a trip to a car service center, which will save you money.

1. Replace the oxygen sensor (lambda probe)

The oxygen sensor in your car is part of the exhaust system exhaust gases, which controls how much oxygen is not burned in the engine combustion chamber. This sensor helps control the vehicle's fuel consumption. Malfunction oxygen sensor(lambda probe) means that car computer receives incorrect data, which can significantly increase fuel consumption and reduce engine power. Most cars have 2 to 4 oxygen sensors. If you have a home car error scanner, then by connecting it to the car, you can easily find out which sensor needs to be replaced.

For what reason does the oxygen sensor in a car become unusable? Over time, the sensor becomes covered with a layer of used engine oil (oil soot), which reduces the accuracy of reading sensor readings for regulating the gasoline mixture and distributing the optimal fuel. A malfunction of the oxygen sensor in a car leads not only to, but also to an increased content of harmful CO2 substances in the exhaust.

What to do: If you do not replace a faulty car oxygen sensor, this can lead to your car's catalyst failing (it may burst), which will result in expensive repairs. The cost of new catalysts is very high due to the precious alloys they contain. On some cars, there are several catalysts, the cost of which can reach up to 90,000 rubles. So don't delay replacing the sensor. Although replacing the sensor and its cost is not very small, it is not commensurate with the cost of the exhaust gas catalyst system. You can also save on replacement costs by doing it yourself. Many car manuals contain detailed instructions, how you can replace the oxygen sensor yourself. If you know where the oxygen sensor is located, then it will not be difficult for you to disconnect the faulty lambda probe and replace it with a new one. Remember to wait to replace this important element You can't pull!

2. Check the fuel filler cap

Many drivers, in most cases, when the check engine light appears, will think about serious problems in a car engine, but they don’t even think to check for leaks fuel system which may be broken due to a defect or insufficiently tightened neck cap fuel tank. This is a very common reason for the appearance of the "Check" engine icon.

Reason for the error: Leakage of the fuel system due to the passage of air through the fuel tank filler cap will increase the vehicle's fuel consumption, to which the vehicle's diagnostic system will generate an engine error by turning on the "Check engine" indication on the vehicle's instrument panel.

What to do: If, when the “Check” indication appears, your car has not lost power, and there are no audible signs of engine damage (engine knocking, humming, creaking, etc.), then first check the gas tank for leaks. Your gas cap may be cracked or not tightened enough. If the cap was not tightened enough, then after tightening it all the way, continue driving the car for a while to see if the engine error disappears. To prevent a check engine light from appearing for this reason, check your fuel filler cap regularly. Remember that the cover must be replaced with a new one periodically!

3. Car exhaust catalyst

An automobile catalyst helps a car make engine exhaust gases more environmentally friendly. It converts carbon monoxide and other harmful substances into harmless compounds. If your exhaust catalyst has become unusable, you will notice it not only when the engine icon (check) appears, but also long before that, when the car’s power drops by half. For example, when you press the gas pedal, the car will not have good acceleration dynamics as before.

What can cause a car catalyst to fail: if you regularly service your car in accordance with the maintenance regulations car company, then the catalyst should not fail. main reason failure of the catalyst, this is not timely replacement a faulty oxygen sensor, as well as non-regular replacement of spark plugs when the expiration date expires. When the oxygen sensor or spark plugs are faulty, the carbon monoxide in the catalyst is converted into harmless chemical elements stops, which leads to overheating of the catalyst, which due to this may fail.

What to do: If your catalyst has become unusable, then you cannot drive a car, since the engine will not work correctly, warning about this by an indication on the dashboard with an engine icon (check). Also, your fuel consumption will be greatly increased, and there will be no engine thrust. Although replacing a catalyst is a very expensive repair, there is no escape from repairs. Although there is an alternative to replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, this is not a 100 percent option. Unfortunately, if you are not an experienced auto mechanic, you will not be able to replace a faulty exhaust gas catalyst yourself. In any case, you will have to contact a car repair shop. Remember that timely replacement of oxygen sensors and spark plugs protects your catalyst from damage!

4. Replace the mass air flow sensor

Sensor mass flow air control regulates how much air must be added to the gasoline mixture for optimal ignition of the fuel. The sensor constantly reports data to the car's computer about the amount of oxygen supplied. A faulty mass air flow sensor increases fuel consumption, increases CO2 levels in exhaust gas, and also reduces engine power and smoothness. Also, if the sensor is faulty, poor acceleration dynamics are observed. In cold weather, a car with faulty sensor doesn't start well.

What are the reasons for the failure of the mass air flow sensor: Most sensor failures occur due to incorrect installation air filter when it is scheduled to be replaced. Also, if you do not regularly change the air filter, as required by regulations Maintenance vehicle, the mass air flow sensor recommended by the manufacturer may fail.

What to do: Theoretically, you can drive for a long time with a broken mass air flow sensor (several weeks or months). But you will notice that the longer you drive, the more your fuel consumption increases. Replacing the sensor in a car service is not that expensive, since the work itself does not take much time and is quite simple. The main costs are related to the cost of the sensor, which for some car models can be 11,000-14,000 rubles if it is an original sensor or up to 6,000 rubles if it is an analogue substitute. Self-replacement sensor is very simple. But due to the low cost of replacing the sensor, you can entrust this work to a mechanic at a car service center. Remember that you need to regularly change the air filter, observing the vehicle maintenance regulations!

5. Replacement of spark plugs and high-voltage wires

Spark plugs in a car are the main ignition parts fuel mixture. If the spark plugs are faulty, the spark will not be supplied correctly to ignite the gasoline mixture. Faulty spark plugs often result in a lack of spark or an incorrect spark interval, which results in the engine not running properly. If the spark plugs do not work properly during acceleration, especially from a standstill, you may feel slight jolts.

What are the reasons for spark plug failure: Most spark plugs in vehicles built before 1996 need to be replaced every 25,000-30,000 kilometers. In newer cars, spark plugs last more than 150,000 km. However, these terms planned replacement spark plugs may be reduced due to various factors related to fuel quality and driving style.

What to do: If your spark plugs have not been changed for a long time, or you feel failures in the engine operation associated with ignition, then you must immediately replace them with new ones without delay. Don't try to save on untimely replacement spark plugs, since the cost of spark plugs is not very expensive, as well as the work of replacing them. By replacing old spark plugs, you will improve engine performance and reduce your vehicle's fuel consumption. Changing spark plugs yourself is quite easy. Basically, they are easily accessible under the hood of the car. You need a regular spark plug wrench to remove the spark plugs from the engine. It is also advisable to monitor the condition high voltage wires, since over time they can become unusable and allow electricity to pass through to the spark plugs, which will reduce the strength of the spark. Remember that regularly replacing spark plugs, in accordance with your car’s maintenance schedule, protects your exhaust catalyst from breakdowns and also improves engine performance!

IN given time all types of cars are equipped with self-diagnosis systems, which, using indicator lights, prompt the driver about malfunctions or deviations from the norm in the level of coolant, engine oil, or lack of charging battery, critical wear brake pads and other indicators. The main light on the instrument panel is the check engine indicator, which controls the operation of the engine control system. The “Check Engine” check has such a wide range of parameters that the location of the malfunction is determined only using a special code that is displayed on the light panel and remains in the device’s memory. You can quickly find out why it caught fire in your car or is on the dashboard of the car you are about to buy.

The check engine light came on - causes and solutions

A glowing check engine light does not always mean a signal of a malfunction in the control systems of the operating power unit. When the cylinder in the ignition switch is turned to the on position, the illuminated light indicates that the circuit connecting to the current source is working properly.

What does the inscription mean?

Check engine may indicate the cause of the malfunction

Translated from English, the name of the check engine indicator gives the driver a hint - “CHECK ENGINE”. Version of the control lamp on different types cars are made in different ways: in the form of a silhouette of the engine with various options with or without inscriptions. When the ignition key is turned to the operating position, all self-diagnosis lamps light up. They should go out when the engine starts. A glowing indicator when the engine is running is a signal of a malfunction of the equipment that it controls. On many cars, the Check Engine LED flashes and is accompanied by a squeaking sound to attract the driver's attention.

What does this signal mean?

Initially, the check engine indicator was controlled by the electronic engine control unit. The task of the warning light was to control the operation of the mixture formation system of engines with injection through an injector. The functioning of air intake and purification, nozzles, fuel pump. For this, special sensors were used. But over time, the light bulb was connected to the on-board computer and its responsibilities were added. Today, Check Engine indicators control several engine control units: ignition, fuel mixture, speed crankshaft, regulator idle move and other systems.

Video: what does the CHECK ENGINE indicator mean?

Reasons for the check to burn on a carburetor engine with an injector

Why did it catch fire on a diesel engine?

A diesel engine, like any engine, is always subject to variable loads. They affect the change in crankshaft speed. Choice desired mode to maintain in the injection system constant pressure assigned to the control unit.

Diesel engine diagnostics

This electronic controller changes the performance of the fuel pump depending on the load that appears. Thanks to this, the system constantly maintains high pressure, which is necessary for stable operation of the injectors. On a diesel engine, the cause of the Check Engine light coming on is much more difficult to determine than on a gasoline engine. Therefore the advice is:

  1. Check the oil level in the crankcase and, if necessary, add to the correct level.
  2. Take your car to a reliable car service center to diagnose all engine control systems, automatic transmission and other devices. There, the operation of the on-board computer will be checked using professional equipment.

When can you continue moving with this indicator, and when not?

You need to understand that the consequences for the further operation of the car depend on the correct actions of the driver at the moment the “Look at Engine” light flashes. The glow of the self-diagnosis element when the power unit is running tells the car owner that the on-board computer or engine control unit has detected a malfunction.

The check engine LED came on. What to do?

It is allowed to continue driving, if the indicator is constantly on (not flashing) and there have been no noticeable changes in the operation of the vehicle. It also responds instantly to sudden pressure on the accelerator pedal. There is no loss of power observed. The oil level in the engine crankcase and antifreeze in the cooling system are normal. The remaining self-diagnosis lights do not light up. You need to get to the nearest car service center so that with the help computer diagnostics establish and correct the cause of a failure in the control system.

But if negative changes in the operation of the car began to be observed: engine power decreased, suspicious knocking and vibration appeared, a burning smell began to be felt, and the Check engine light was blinking - further movement forbidden. The engine must be turned off immediately to avoid serious consequences. Suspicion of overheating of the power unit, a drop in pressure in the engine lubrication system and other reasons can lead to breakdowns that will require a lot of money, time and effort.

What malfunctions cause the light to come on?

On board modern car is installed microprocessor system control, which is responsible for self-diagnosis of the engine and other units. This probability is provided by the on-board computer. Its read-only memory (ROM) contains a program that controls the actions of the microprocessor. At normal modes car operation, the computer regularly checks electronic and electrical systems. If deviations from standard values ​​appear, the controller turns on emergency mode. With it, instead of the erroneous parameter of the faulty block, a suitable value from the embedded program is inserted. In this case, the reserve number will be entered into the controller’s memory as a fault.

To inform the driver about this situation, the Check engine LED indicator in the instrument cluster will light up. Microprocessor electronic unit controls remembers special code malfunctions. This indicator can be read visually depending on the type of ECU. These may be flashes of an LED light bulb of varying duration caused by:

  • the malfunction itself;
  • by closing the specified contacts of the diagnostic connector;
  • connecting an analog voltmeter to certain pins of the outputs used to connect reading devices.

Fault codes ECU "January 4" - reading codes

Check engine flashes are so-called slow codes that carry a small amount of information. They consist of two numbers indicating a malfunction in a special table. This collection of codes is an appendix to the operational documents. The first number is indicated by long flashes (up to 1.5 seconds), the second - by short flashes (up to 0.5 seconds). There is a pause between them. It is a few seconds.

There are also “quick codes” that can provide a large, detailed amount of information for diagnostic equipment.

It must be remembered that all elements electronic control react poorly to external influence: power surges, static electricity and other factors. Therefore, any preparatory work must be carried out with the ignition key turned off.

Table Fault codes for controller type “January-4” VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Code Malfunction
12 Indicator lamp diagnostic circuit fault
14 High signal level of the coolant temperature sensor
15 Low signal level of the coolant temperature sensor
16 Increased voltage of the on-board network
17 Reduced voltage on-board network
19 Incorrect crankshaft position sensor signal
21 Throttle position sensor signal voltage too high
22 Insufficient throttle position sensor signal voltage
24 There is no signal from the vehicle speed sensor
27 High signal level of the CO potentiometer
28 Low signal level of the CO potentiometer
33 Incorrect signal from the mass air flow sensor (high frequency signal at the sensor output)
34 Incorrect signal from the mass air flow sensor (low signal frequency at the sensor output)
35 Idle speed deviation
43 Invalid knock sensor signal
51 Controller error (RAM error)
52 Programmable read only memory (PROM) error
53 Electrically programmable memory (EPROM) error
61 Immobilizer communication error

On the move, when accelerating

If the “Engine Service” indicator lights up: when starting off; lights up constantly while the car is driving; when it accelerates - the reason is insufficient level oil in the crankcase. You need to stop the car and listen to the engine. In this case, extraneous noises, tapping, and rattling should appear. Stop the engine and check the dipstick. If there is not enough oil in the system, and there is nothing to add, you can drive home carefully. In such cases, it is recommended to take the car to a car service center to find out exactly the reason for the drop in oil level and eliminate it.

The check light is flashing, the engine is shaking and not pulling, the car is shaking, the speed is floating

Typically, this situation occurs when driving, when the engine needs to suddenly increase speed. When idling everything is fine. Suspicion primarily falls on malfunctions in the ignition system. In this case, you should not experiment with gasoline engine to check the spark in the coil, on the spark plugs and other manipulations. This can only be done using a multimeter. If the car’s behavior is limited only to the engine’s operation of not all cylinders, you need to carefully, cautiously, and slowly drive towards the nearest car service center. It is better to pay some money to professionals who are able to find and eliminate the cause than to damage the on-board computer or other delicate electronics due to your ill-considered actions. In this case, the costs will be much higher.

The check light came on after refueling

Bad gasoline is the cause of unstable engine operation

This problem may arise from a leak in the fuel system. One of the reasons is a poorly tightened gas tank cap or a defect in it. If necessary, the plug should be replaced. Another reason for the check to burn is refueling with low-octane gasoline or low-quality fuel. In the latter case, the gas station is changed. If the fuel is so bad that the car does not work stably, it needs to be drained. In all other cases, you can do this: dilute the fuel high-quality gasoline, and reset the check engine readings to zero by removing the negative terminal of the battery for a few minutes.

If moisture gets inside the engine with injection, the injector after washing, heavy rain, when crossing the river, drops of water can get on high-voltage wires, the ignition coil, and wiring connectors. The danger here is that the malfunction will not appear immediately, but after some time. The consequences can be dangerous if the car is driven on the freeway. The “Check Engine” LED will light up, and the engine may suddenly rev up, lose throttle response, or even stall. It will help to remove moisture with a dry rag and dry all components of the power unit with warm air (using a hairdryer).

The check engine LED lights up in different engine modes

Why does the engine stall?

The normal operation of a power unit with an injector depends on many reasons. As soon as one of the installed sensors that controls the fuel supply systems, air purification, mixture formation, ignition and other control units malfunctions, the engine begins to work irregularly, uncleanly, and abnormally. When there is a suspicion of a malfunction, that is, the engine reacts incorrectly to certain driver actions, you need to pay attention to the following circumstances:

  • What is the temperature outside?
  • Is the engine warmed up?
  • Under what conditions does it appear? unstable work engine - when starting, accelerating, at constant speed?
  • What self-diagnosis indicators light up during this?
  • When was the car last in a service station, what renovation work were carried out?

Before diagnosing engine control systems on your own or at a car service center, you should check and eliminate the following faults:

  • leaks of antifreeze, engine oil, fuel;
  • cracking or weak tightening of vacuum hose clamps;
  • oxidation of battery terminals;
  • broken contacts in wire connectors;
  • smoke, smells, unusual sounds;
  • Check the level of engine oil, coolant and brake fluid.

The uniformity of engine operation can be checked using a strip of paper that needs to be held close to exhaust pipe. The leaf should tilt back from the gas stream and remain in this position with slight fluctuations.

If there is little gasoline in the tank, this may cause the check mark on the instrument panel to light up.

The battery must be maintained in good technical condition. The voltage at the terminals should be between 13.5–15 volts.

The check engine light may come on if:

How to turn off the check engine LED. Reset error

On different brands machines self-diagnosis process starts different ways. For some, by turning the ignition key and pressing the gas pedal a certain number of times at certain intervals. The engine fault light starts blinking and you need to count the flashes, convert them into an error code and find an explanation in the table. For others, an error code is displayed on the on-board computer display if you start the self-diagnosis process through a combination of buttons.

How to turn off the check engine LED?

Still others bridge certain contacts in the diagnostic connector for this purpose.

An excellent option that will help you save a lot of money on a trip to a car service center is to buy an OVD-2 car scanner or another brand. With its help, you can regularly check the operation of the engine to identify errors in order to understand which sensor requires replacement, or which adjustment has been violated.

Resetting errors by removing the battery terminal

Reset errors to on-board computer or the ECU can be most in an accessible way- disconnect the terminal from the battery for a short time. Memory electronic devices will reset to zero and the indicator should go out. But this should be done only after the error has been decrypted, detected and corrected. There are other ways to reset errors: using a scanner, installing special programs on a smartphone, closing the contacts in the diagnostic connector.

Video: Daewoo Matiz. Reset Check Engine Using ELM327 and Torque

If it burns at full intensity

Check engine is on full blast

There can be many reasons for an indicator glowing at half its strength. These include poor grounding on the car, installation of incandescent light bulbs of the wrong power and type, problems with electrical wiring and other reasons. The following advice can be given: run the self-diagnosis process and look at the error code. Independently check the reliability of the contact on the negative terminal of the battery and all connections to the ground terminals. Pay attention to the functionality of all light bulbs: headlights, turns, dimensions, brakes.

The Check Engine vehicle self-diagnosis indicator plays a very important role in detecting malfunctions in engine control systems and other machine components. Its main task is to draw the driver’s attention to problems with the engine, automatic transmission gear changes. Moreover, this can happen before this malfunction begins to affect changes in the behavior of the power unit and automatic transmission. The engine will start to stall, lose power, and fuel consumption may increase. The main purpose of this warning light is to detect faults in a timely manner in order to eliminate them in time.


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